
Free Custom Zbrush Brushes

hey mdunnam wanted stop by and say thank you for your very generous contribution to the zbrush community… as for recommendations it would be cool if you came up with some traditional sculpting brushes that give a more traditional feel to zbrush sculpting, but that’s just a suggestion for those of us who want a more realistic traditional feel to our work… thank you again your contribution its very generous of you to do and im sure all appreciate your hard work in making these… :wink:

I created a small set just for fun.


Let me know what you think. Some of the settings for the fabric might need to be played with a little to get the desired results. They work fairly well with a wacom. I used a few pen pressure settings. Adjust what ya need :slight_smile:

As always!


THanks again for all your hard work mate, and for the excellent brushes… love the zipper brushes in particular: something I was thinking of struggling to make, so huge thanks!

Thanks for the hard work.

I am in the process of making more clothing brushes. I will be making several new stitch brushes upon request :slight_smile: If anyone needs anything clothing wise, such as a specific stitch (each stitch will be originally vector to get very high resolution images), type of fabric, or anything, let me know. This set might take quite a while to make. So keep an eye out!

And thank you very much everyone for your continuing support.

Also I will be starting my blog soon. You might have noticed I added a blog and tutorials section to my site. So those will be up soon.

And lastly; I would like to thank Phil Nolan - Modeler / Animator
www.philnolan3d.com. He has generously taken the liberty of converting them to 9 .PenPack files for use in 3D-Coat. So he sent them to me. Run over to the site and grab them if you would like. There is also a thread to follow on there as well.

Thanks again Phil!

And everyone else, keep an eye out for updates asap!


Thank you for your generosity and the hard work you have put into these brushes.

great brushes…thanks for making and sharing them !

Thank you kind sir! Keep sharing the love and those brushes!

New Set of Brushes are now available! I have created some long awaited Mech Insert Brushes! Sorry these took quite a while to create. I am still in the process of making the stitch brushes. I just ran into a snag along the way. Stop on by and grab these new brushes. They work fantastic as additive or subtractive brushes. I hope everyone enjoys these new brushes. Leave some feedback on my blog or one of the forums posted! :slight_smile: And please follow me on twitter or my blog so you know when I post new brushes.



This one should be made stickey or top row. It keeps updating new stuff to download.

Great new mech brushes by the way Michael!


you rock supreme!

thanks for sharing, such a excellent brushes.

Sorry for the delay. I am still working on a small set to compliment the Mech Brushes.

Amazing work and generosity, i love the mech ones. :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:

Here is my new set. Sorry alphas only this time. I had problems getting the stitches to work like the zipper brushes. If anyone would like to give it a try and send them back if you get them working correctly, that would be awesome. I would give full credit of course!


Hope everyone enjoys!


Thank you very much!

Now available! My first set of Premium brushes. Do not fear though, not all brushes are going to cost you from now on. These brushes took a long time to make and are well worth the $2.00. More free brushes coming soon! I am now working on another set to follow these that will be free! Enjoy!




Just purchased a copy - Good luck with sales

Something strange. I bought a copy 20 hours ago, but haven’t received a download link. Plus the vendor support email address in the Paypal receipt doesn’t work.
