

Thank you fox! :slight_smile:

Hi guys, this time i want to post some images from one of my old works, the “zombie priest” a funny characters of mine :smiley:

Hope you like it :wink:


Awesome work on Cyblade!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
And, I have already told you… your Zombie Priest really rocks!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Another sick model man!!

Do you polypaint your sculpts?

Thank u Guti and Fox !!!
@Fox: in the renders that you can see i used polypaint just to separate different parts like clothes and skin, then i use the color to create masks in photoshop to apply different materials done in Zb.
I want to use only flat colors and materials to better understand mats properties, but i think it’s time to try detailing and texturing in a professional way :rolleyes:
I share here three custom matcaps i created to render the Priest: one for the skin, one for the leather clothes and one for the throne (apply “render” to see it correctly)…i used them compositing in PS, it was my first try to deal with matcaps…i hope you may find it useful :slight_smile:


“zombie priest” is an inspiration to give the works of man ~~:D
“Cyblade” Very sexy ~!
Are very fond of the “zombie priest” and the “Cyblade” two works!:lol:
By the way,“Cyblade” The hair is how to do it?:qu:

You may want to fade the zombie guy into the background more I think. Really awesome stuff though! :+1:

thank you for the comments guys!
@TimDL: love your Sloth version :smiley: , and for the hair, i saw an interesting tut here: http://www.pixologic.com/docs/index.php/SubTool_Hair_Sculpting_Tutorial

@Vancross: Thank you man, i guess you are right, but do you mean to blur him more or to add some smog forward?

Thats right: bring some smog or something misty like that forward and bring the setting together Making him part of the scene. Unless however you want to show the background also but then—I think that you may have to add allot more background to show; as there is currently nothing back there. Maybe throw in a wall like a mummy’s tomb or some simple rockface, if you get what I am trying to say.

Ok Vancross, i will try for sure, now i’m facing a contest so i need some time :rolleyes:

I post here some imgs i made trying to sculpt Watchmen characters:


I hope you like it, next time i want to try with Nite Owl1
See u Guys :smiley:




Wow! Dr. Manhattan looks AMAZING! :smiley: ! fantastic job! :+1: :+1:

Another sick model man!

Coolness! Are you going to do all the characters?

Thank you manzarek123,fox1983,Vancross !
I’m choosing the right char (from watchmen) to do for the contest, so i made Nite Owl and the comedian too… they are only sketches, but i need to try before i find the right one, so please help me to choose and C&C are super-welcome :slight_smile:


Cu soon Guys !





Hey fracture, what contest are you sculpting for?

Here is the link:


:small_orange_diamond: :small_orange_diamond: :slight_smile:

Oh, and here is a sketch(not for the contest, just to free brushin) , yesterday night, Doom on my mind…:laughing:

Cu soon!

This last It give me the creep and transmit me a disturbing sense of disease…
Wonderfull Sketch!

All excellent work [thumbs up] I really like the comic book work but that’s because I like comic books:) and science fiction and fantasy:)

Thank you so much guys… another Doom-like sketch tonight…but i got to stop destroyng my eyes !:

I go to sleep!
Cu :slight_smile:

“Oh, and here is a sketch(not for the contest, just to free brushin) , yesterday night, Doom on my mind…”

This one is great. Inspiration. :+1: :+1: :+1: