
Forest Goblin

Hey Caroline,

I think you’re doing an awesome job, very nice work! This one and the Zeemus Model have their own place in my “great work” folder, hehe!

Keep it going, always nice to see your sculpts! :slight_smile:

Delightful and such an elegant mesh:+1:

Curious to know whether you used ZBrush to create the mesh or Max?

Look forward to more.

The model and texture/ material(s) look perfect…but if you want critic,…the only thing i could find in this perfect model is that it seems its center of gravity is a bit to the back…based on the most right image .
But its a fantastic job !


Very very good work Caroline!!!I’ve no critics,only compliments,great textures and face wrinkles;one counsil,try to make a pose for them.I very like the fantasy creatures and you too I see.If you love the fantasy world I’ll invite you too see my next work.For now it’s sospended but if you want to see something go to my Alien Face HUgger thread.I’d be happy.:slight_smile:

Continue so,this is the way.:+1: :+1: :+1:

Hope to be useful,MattHHH :sunglasses:

awsome !! amazing character !!

congrats for the top row !!!
:sunglasses: :+1: :+1:

Yum yum! i definately love this goblin of the forest :slight_smile: it’s so wonderfully shaped and designed, just like in the fairytales and storybooks and legends. One of the best i’ve seen in a long time on this forum and very much worth the top row here. Congrats to a true masterpiece! :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1:

/ Max

It’s my new desktop image! -Ken

Terrific, Caro!

There are very ncie stuffs on your website… Great talent!
Welcome in zbrush central!
Front page for your first post, not bad!

Great model, and design!


Wow. Talk about a strong first post! How long were you lurking? :wink:

Great work. Great first post, as i believe getting shunted to the top row indicates. Welcome aboard. :wink:

Cheers for all the great replies and warm welcome :smiley:

Below is the posed character, along with my orthographic drawing i used to model:


Great work - and after seeing you web site I hope to see more of your work here! :+1:

Interesting to see your reference drawing - it looks very ‘clean’. Are you always so precise with preparatory work before modelling?

Amazing character,its so good from every aspect.Well modelled and your sketch is excellent too.
Cant wait to see more

Caroline, thanks so much for posting this little guy. I think I might have seen him lurking in the mists behind the falls in the mountains this weekend :wink: . I do hope you plan on animating him. He’s certainly worthy of a little skit. Please keep us posted!
Keep pushin’ those pixols

Great model and texture!,

I’m starting to use Brazil myself, how did you go about rendering it?, it looks fantastic!

Very nice work Caroline.

Beautiful Texturing and modeling work.

My only crit here, and i’m being nitpicky, is to take it %1 furthur by perhaps adding some more wear marks on his leather, particulary along the tares, as well as the areas where the most friction may occur. It’s also evident the pelt along his front and back side shows some history from some of this goblins pilaging exploits. Looks like you may have some burns and most likely skermish marks on the pelt. The fir however looks a little clean and could use just a tiny bit of variation to reflect it’s history.

What program did you use to texture him by the way?

The work on your site looks great although it’s work like this particular character you’ve created that inspires me. Great Work.

-Rares H.

Awesome model Caroline, as usual…i love all your characters…they really inspired me to begin with this stuff some years ago…!
everything seens perfect here, and your style rocks!:smiley:
Congrats! :+1:

Pilou :sunglasses:

hey it’s great works. I like your sss brazil render feeling.
wow…!! would you show your skin Material setup? I really like your skin shader
but hard to understand the Brazil r/s. if you help us, it would be awesome!!