
Folder Merging scritp

I’m trying to create a ZScript which would help me with merging subtools by folders and then renaming them according to their folder’s name. At this point i’m not even sure how i can get folder name with Zscirpt commands.
How should i approach this? Thanking you all in advance!


You can’t use in zscript any of the “Folder Actions” - the actions that are available by clicking the gear icon of a subtool folder.

You can get a folder name by using [SubToolGetFolderName, ], so that [SubToolGetFolderName,4] would return the folder name that the 5th subtool was in, or an empty string if it wasn’t in a folder.

You could perhaps merge your subtools by using “Merge Down”. To rename a subtool you would need to use the ZFileUtils dynamic library: http://docs.pixologic.com/user-guide/customizing-zbrush/zscripting/zfileutils/#renameSetNext


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