
FIRST POST(take 2...)

Really liking that texture. May we see the model without a texture please?

Any more progress on the rest of the body?

really GREAT work!!
5 stars from me!
Alex Oliver

Amazing cool !

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

yeah…excellent first post. is this a zbrush render?

wow. sweet design. nice material texture and lighting. any tips on how did the material settings would be appreciated.

Top work fella!

Excelente textura. Me gusta la personalidad del modelo.:+1: :+1: :+1:

really cool…that´s all i can say :+1:

Cool work, very nice skin :+1: :+1:

On first glance i thought this may be one of those busts that only looks good becuase of nice SSS and rendering. But by looking longer I realized that this is really a nice sculpt, also a well crafted material.

The fact that you’re going beyond the head is great too, the body parts are looking really good man, keep us posted.

looking very good man


Very cool render ! looking nice!

Great, very inspiring. Can you tell us more about your vray render (materials, lights, etc…). Counting minutes for your top row :+1:

Thanks guys for your comments!!!

WHW_ :Thanks,here is two render whith no difuse textures, whith different materials test…

Body WIP

Aumakua :Here the difuse,paint whith zapplink…

The materials are all Vraymtl whith a texture like this one in the difuse,reflect,refract and translucent map and whith a bump map made in ZB whith multidisplacementexpt
The lighting is a very basic tree point lighting ,the key and fill are vraylight and the back light is a simple spot(In that case the spot work very well for me…)I choose to not use that much of Indirect Illumination to keep more contrast…

I will work on the body next week-end,thanks again for your comments01_04b.jpg01_05.jpgdifuse_02b.jpg

I like this guy.

He looks very cool!

Good work :+1:

Wow, that’s great! :grimacing: :+1:
Really great work!
this is new direction in art, maddam style :laughing:

Why is this still not on the Top Row? :confused:

Oh man… I’d like to have this creature as a complete small sculpture in my action figure collection:D he is really excellent!

This is really good !
Really nice design, well sculpted, and the texturing is superb.

Any chance of you rigging this guy up ?
It would be great to see him moving :slight_smile:

I agree that this is top row stuff, maybe a few too many monster/demon models already but this is some top notch sculpting. *5

Great first post man:) And cool render! May the horns are too shiny but you know…:+1: