
Final Squidlien - For Now !

Some other creatures I’m messing with !
alien medley.jpg

Awesome work here, S! Thanks for sharing your talent. :+1:

Brilliant work again! Lovin the guy with the very… testicular… looking head :lol:

You are a very fortunate man to find yourself in the presence of such a great director… and he is a very fortunate man to have your talent at his finger tips! :slight_smile:

HA-HA Thanks for the comments dude, but overly generous ! To which one do you refer ? - they’re all fairly genital !

hey simon!

haha… very great designs.
i like the shoulders on the middle one, in the last pict.
really looking forward to see what you’ve done on hb2 (and the stuff we/i did), but unfortunately have to wait untill september, when it gets out here in denmark.

well… -looking forward for more cool creatures.


Hey Si,
You know you should never drop names, Robert Deniro told me that…CLANG!

Robert who…oh, you mean Bobby !

really like the Lovecraftian Mawbut but i think the smoke distract from the real focus of the image. would love to see more grossy details ( twisted mind héhé ) . i also like the other heads models , especially the first one, would be cool too see some polypaint onto it :slight_smile: .

Hi Nicolas,
I understand where you’re coming from about the smoke in the Lovecraft Maw, but I am a believer in the power of implication. I think it’s more important to hint at something rather than spell out every last detail - especialy if you’re trying to create a mood/atmosphere. A great example of this would be the paintings of Justin Sweet -Impresionistic to the extreme but it’s all there.
I don’t know if I still have a polypaint of the first alien you mentioned but I have a photoshop wip of it. If you’re interestted I’ll throw it up here tonight. I also found some screengrabs of ‘my podhead’ sculpt with the basic polypaint which show how much pshop I used afterwards. If it’s still of interest I’ll throw that up too !
Thanks for your comments buddy !

Here is one of the images I mentioned. This Crested Alien is an older version without the ‘brainy’ appearance that you can see in the previous post.


Whew! The intensity in that last one’s gaze is wonderful. I love the mood of it.

Thanks Heather. He doesn’t have much luck with the ladies, needs to lighten up !

You are gonna fill a planet with all these aliens man! Great shapes and character keep rocking.

excellent thanks Si, it looks great!. i get what you mean about the power of implication héhé.

by the way, i’d never seen the paintings of Justin Sweet (just googled it) wow terrific :+1: went straight to my bookmark list :).

Bryan : I’m aiming to populate a galaxy with em !
Nic: Glad you liked his stuff !

Hey Si,

I love the robot , really cool, very original.

Cheers matey !- It makes no mechanical sense but what the hell !

alreet si… coming along a treat, i cant wait to join in again, once i re learn everything on z3, i like your robot… a taste of things to come?
did you start your noddy holder yet?

Hi all,
Just started this little character head for giggles.
Comments welcome, unless it’s to tell me the ears are too big etc.!!!

I was rifling through some old sculpts (all with bad topology !) and found this squid guy. This is a polypaint I put together tonight from various render layers, which I will post later to show the process.
Any comments and crits welcome.
Cheers -S