
Final Render of skin using photo referencing

Yep this is a nice shader Bro. Thanks for sharing.

what did you use for the eyes? any paintover?

Oh come on, we’re not stupid, thats a photo and you’ve touched it up a little to make it look like a model…Admit it! :wink:

I like it very much,


01| The skull looks too small right now(the part above the eyes)
The eyes of an adult male should be somewhere in the middle of the head…

02| the iris(ses?) of the eyes are looking strange(smudged and the pupils of center) and are quite different in size.

03| the left ear seems not to be as it should be…the top looks thin and not fleshy enough…

a 3/4 view would be nice :) Keep it up ! Lucky_1

I too would like to see a 3/4 view.

Totally insane!Thanks for the files too,damn!!5 star top row!!

Hey everyone. Man it’s been a VERY long time. I actually forgot that about this picture. I’ll check my old laptop for the model and everything. Had some issues with it about 3 months ago and lost a bunch of stuff. Hopefully I can get it and post a 3/4 view on here. Thanks for all the comments though everyone. Very much appreciated.

Very realistic model. Good:D

is it fake or fhoto awesome work genius:grimacing: :large_orange_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: :large_orange_diamond: :smiley: :+1: :warning: :warning: :warning:

what a good work

wow!!i cant believe my eyes!!

Thanks for sharing.

Which material was used for eyes?
Old post but render is still impressive :slight_smile:

Almost realistic…the only thing which makes it not real is we knew that this is virtual…
Nice Work…

Looks so real, I have to say that the edited photoshop version made it much more realistic. Well done tho! :D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Haha, that’s why we did not see another pose :grimacing: