
Ferg's Sketchbook

Great work Ferg!, your recent creatures remind me of Guillermo Del Toro’s style (Hellboy, Pans Labyrinth)

I look forward to seeing more!

Some beautiful and whimsical work here, Ferg.

A lot of great work in this thread! :+1:

haha, what the hell is this ;D
Nice models, love teh red demon girl the most, nice colors ;]

thanks for the words everyone! here’s some more random zdoodles from the recent past

first one is based off a badass sketch by Allen Williams (http://cghub.com/images/view/100392/)






The guy getting swallowed up by those multicoloured strips is fantastic! Brilliant sketchbook.

really cool creatures.

Super sick stuff Teddy! :wink:

It’s awesome how you can get your pencil and paper sketching style come straight through in your sculpting!

The screaming bust with all of the colors is my fav :+1:

Amazing concepts! Your style suits the concepts very well. Good job!

Well look who decided to come down off the mountain and do a little work :wink:
Yeah, the dude with the colored blocks is super cool!

Awesome sculpts, the last one really caught my eyes O_O pretty original :slight_smile:

awesome sculpts and vibrant colours. I love the style and amount of character in them.

Beautiful sculpting and very unique designs ferg !
Really glad that i found your sketchbook here since i only have seen the few sculpts of yours over at eat3d.
really cool stuff, man :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thanks everyone! Been a minute since I updated, here’s today’s warm-up sketch

![nicetry.jpg|1158x555](upload://xcA9jZ1WrJAFumB9sUWvTYxOS3U.jpeg) cheers!

It’s like Jean Reno in his slightly younger days!

Jerick - bingo!

some new poop…








ha! i love that punk-guy!:+1:

How did you make the punker hair ? With ZB fibers or geometry in other 3dapp…?

Cool ideas and creations yo!

I like your stuff very much,thx for sharing…:+1: