
female portrait

quick update:


Am following you from the begining man i mean ur work :D. Am not a very expert in giving suggestions but what i found so fake is eyes though u added refelection maps, because the depth and detail in the eyes r missing. I think u just projected texture in the eye balls. Instead try to sculpt the eyes. A small tip . otherwise i love n little jello when am gonna potray something like this:D:D:D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:.




Really hated some of what I had going on, so went back into the shader and the sculpt to make some larger changes. Also new eyes. They are super desaturated but I will fix that.


And the hat:

Steadily working your way up to the toprow it seems?

Your improvements are fantastic and I like that cute smile expression especially.
"elefant"skin on neck and shoulder could use some more work though…

all the best

:slight_smile: jake

Thanks Jake.

Small stuff:

very realistic beanie! how did you achieve it?

It just an MIA material on a zbrush sculpt. I created the base hat with good UV coordinates, then sculpted it in zbrush and applied two layers of surface noise, one with the raised strips, one with the stitch pattern. Then in Maya it got a simple MIA material and some nHair, and that was it. I put the alphas I created for it a couple pages back, and a better breakdown of how I did it (I think.)

A quick update. I fixed some stuff in the sculpt and the shader. I also broke some stuff. The lips are a bit harsh right now, so I will work on those next. I also changed the color of the hat fuzz and I hate it, so I will go back to the old color which fit better.



I’m done.

There’s a ton of stuff I want to fix, but I have to get back to doing realtime stuff for my game-art portfolio.

I learned a ton doing this. This is my first true maya render, my first portrait, and I’m reasonably please with how it came out, but I’m even way more pleased about everything I learned. Hope to learn more going forward and get some more work done.


Wow! She’s awsome, apart from being beautiful, it’s an amazing model. Nice rendering, and textures are outstanding!
One niggle: (oh great, another “expert” voices his views…)
with the eyes, the meniscus (i think that’s right) of water where the eye meets the bottom (and also the top) eyelid is missing, and so makes the eye look dry as a bone, and therefore dead or plastic. Picky I know, But i thought that I would mention it, because most people look at the eyes first when they look at a face. You can get away with a lot of other things, but if you’re eyes are good, everything will fall into place.
That said, I spot some very nice refraction in the eyes, great texture work, and some great asymetrical blemishes around the face (especially on the chin!) the expression is nice too, mild, interested, eager, instead of the typical sleazy 3d bimbo that is so common to 3d groups.

Nice work! Hope I don’t discourage you at all with my comments!

keep it up!

awesome beautiful work from start to finish! came out great man! can’t wait to see your next project!

oh also, what settings did you use for the MR render?

After the disastrous attempt at my wifes portrait I’m taking away lessons and trying to improve. This is done in Maya Vray, instead of mental ray, for comparison and learning sake. Lacks a displacement map for technical reasons.


Woah! What was disastrous about your previous attempt? I thought it was excellent. This is looking good too.




dude that looks amazing! great work the only thing i see wrong is something is up with above the tip of her nose it looks like its being flattend or maybe its because of the specualr highlight can’t tell yeah oh also i feel like she has a really long chin like from the bottom of her lip to the bottom of her face seems long but other than that it looks great! keep up the great work!

Man the posing of the hands/arms is creepy! Is it meant to look like he’s about to wring her neck? Looking good though! I think with a bit of fine-tuning it could look fantastic. Also, I agree with the other poster that your previous attempts at sculpting your wife weren’t disastrous! Something about the smile looked a bit unnatural to me but overall it was looking great.

Yes, so if you can’t tell, she is in trouble with this ‘shadow monster’ of sorts. In the end, there will be another pair of hand pulling on that chain to turn off the light.


Actually I thought you were doing very well with it. If you decide to revisit it later on, please post some more pictures of your progress.

Yeah man, I thought it looked great! One can always improve but you also shouldn’t be so hard on yourself :slight_smile:
this new piece looks really interesting too! Can’t wait to see it finished!

Okay zbrushers, help me choose a composition:

Kill the light, just focus on the face:

Straight on, requires more vertical space:

Cylindrical camera for more curvature:

And standard camera but high FOV: