
Featured Member: vimmy (Samuel P. Prack)

I personally think that you don’t have to be a certain age to define the term “artist”. Every artist at some point has to define to himself what art is, and what it means to be an artist. The earlier you do that, the better. I feel good for him that he was able to do it at 19. I don’t think it is arrogance at all… and we don’t have to feel bad that we are not yet able to think at that level… This is just my humble opinion. :slight_smile:

i think you are misinterpreting the general reaction here Anand.

i personally was able to think at this level when i was 14-15 but that is because both of my parents are traditional artists and i learn a lot from them.
BUT i am not the only one, for me to think that would be quite wrong.

i think at this day and age most people can think at this level at that age or even younger BUT they do not tend to think it out loud.

that is not remotely what i was saying. like fx81 said, this “level of thinking” isnt all that difficult for anyone who has read an intro philosophy book and has access to thesaurus.com.

hehehe!:smiley: Well, I think we are all just pissed that one guy, so young, had it in him to share his feelings and thoughts with us, while most of us choose to remain silent, fearful of ridicule.:slight_smile:

i think the general conception is that it’s not authentic… so rather than him sharing his thoughts and feelings, it’s superficial ‘fluff’. He evaded every question and really strove to find the most complex ways to respond to the simplest of topics. The way he talks to people reeks of condescension and arrogance. “holier than thou”, in other words.

Like I said, I think his art is great- but I don’t see the deep philosophy behind it. There’s an alien with some lines coming out of his head. It’s no more philosophical than the work of H.R. Giger (and nowhere near as original). So kudos to him for scoring an interview, but I know in about 10 years time he’ll look back on this interview and think to himself “God, I made a pretentious ass out of myself”. A feeling I’m sure most of us can relate to when thinking back to our own teenage years. It’s just unfortunate(?) that he got caught with an interview during this phase in his life.

Simply amazing work. They look like oil paintings. Simply lovely:)

What a pompous twit. Next!

WOW! this was sum crazy stuff! Really good job!

I like your works, specially the scuba and sitting buddha. But as said I dont see any deeper meaning in your works, except the buddha. I think your time is from now on. And I know that with time you will get to reflect more that side and of course get much better. At the same time you will calm down with age and find your real self, no need to make retorical listen-carefuly-to-understand speechs.

You reminds me myself a few years ago, so I forgive the attitude, but congrats you for your skills.

Keep it up!

“He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know.”
-Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu as spoke… :slight_smile: Like all of us.

Haha! I find very interesting to read some negative reactions to this interview here. It tells us a lot about the personality of their author.

I love your work Vimmy. And I liked the interview too! Yes sometime the less we have culture the more we spread it so some of your answers seem spread all over and at the same time make us think that you finally have not a lot to answer. But at least you are making an effort to entertain us with some thoughts at the same time. I think the questions are always the same in those kind of interview so trying to answer differently is refreshing.

By the way if you like DT Suzuki, I recommend you buy this documentary made by a very nice person (Michael Goldberg) a friend from Japan:
Since I don’t meet DT Suzuki fan often I could not go without telling about it!

À un de ces 4 j’espère!

The kid’s 19 years old let him pontificate til’ his heart’s content, he’s very talented so to a certain extent (A very short extent) it’s okay. Of course if he’s still talking that way when he’s 30 then he’ll find himself without friends and a girl! lol Very talented though!