
Featured Member: vimmy (Samuel P. Prack)

GREAT interview, GREAT work!!

Lucy in the sky, with diamonds! :lol:

oh boy. Okay:

your work (or pre-art, or whatever you call it) is good. Even very good. Your models look great, tho to me, they don’t show any real philosophical interest. Those are just very well executed guys with xrayz broadcasting from their skull, or buddha-inspired creations. The whole character design is interesting, and you justified pretty well your use of clay-like renders.

But in this interview, which was initially aimed at knowing more about your techniques, tips and references/inspirations, you’re riding this big white horse, using words that supposedly make you sound smart, and bouncing on every interesting question to throw up those heavy theories about art and life that many people developped so many times before you, in a much more appropriate way. Let’s not even mention this poor introduction about earth and babies…

“No doubt many fishermen, tree planters, shepherds are probably much more philosophical on the inside that many so-called philosophers”

Let’s say you’re no shephard, nor fisherman, nor tree planter, then. Just a pedantic tho skilled young boy.

Thank you all for comments, I understand the opposition from people, there are right in their perspective. I maybe extrapolated like always with the questions, or give more a general feal and thought about the subject. This is the bad part or writing, to much general, don’t get all the subtleties of personal dialogue. It hard to understand someone when you don’t try to see how in their perspective they give is point of view. You can confront or sympathize. Contemplate or fight…

just reminds me- kudos to all those artists who are keeping it real

could not agree more.

your works are great, the models have good structure and over all forms. BUT from a philosophical stand point they are amateurish at best. the motion blurs, radial blurs and light particles are very silly and from a philosophical stand point they look like the author just discovered philosophy like a new freshmen student.

a real philosopher is above all this, in fact after studying good amount of philosophy you will probably figure out that it is nothing more than over analyzed semantics and all of it is really irrelevant at the end.

the subtleties(and the philosophy) you talk about are pretty much common sense or common knowledge to any artist in this day and age with a decent IQ, so to re-iterate that in this interview seems very pretentious at the least.

also your philosophy seems to be hypocritical:

Since you’re so new to CG, the “breaking in” experience is still fresh in your mind. What advice can you give to other folks just starting out?
Become what you are … You may say that this is more metaphysical than concrete, pragmatic. That is precisely the point. Well, what I am saying is that everything is there, but we do not have conscience, and the only way to create that is the way of Love… of letting go. I mean that for anything, what needs to be will be, and trying to force it only pushes backward. They have nothing to achieve; it is not a “me” who wants to become, but rather let it be born in me. It’s the same for all, so of course this advice applies to 3D. Love what you do. Enjoy, marvel, and step-by-step everything will become clear. Voila!

and then at the end of the interview you wrote:

Finally I wish to reiterate that I work as a freelance artist.

arent you just pushing yourself back saying that ? :lol:

comon folks… is not that serious… :confused:
i think we should cut this topic now… :roll_eyes:
no offense to anyone…
lets look for next interview… m sure the new interviewed artist whould think 30 times before he answers any question :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

dude…please…just answer a question, please. if i ask you, “what did you have for breakfast this morning vimmy?” i dont want you to redefine breakfast for me on a spiritual level, i wanna know how your eggs tasted.

your work is seriously wonderful, i love what you’re trying to convey in your work and the guy ascending is my favorite piece youve done.

Word Salad. What complete and utter tripe.

I concurr with Samar, I don’t know much people personally from here and I don’t know who is to judge who in such a harsh way, really. Getting sooo upset for someone’s immaturity and trying to make people understand the reason why, when you’ve got all the advantage, just makes yourself look bad.

Seriously…guys at ZBC are frontpaging faster than ever to forget this f***ed up thread already.

Big fan of your work! Great stuff.
Its an interesting world out there, and I appreciate the love and passion that you seem to have in analyzing it. My only hope is that you find time in the day to giggle at something. =)


can’t we all just get along? :smiley:

Let me start off by complimenting your work. I really enjoyed looking at it, I unfortunately had not happened upon any of it in the forums before.

But on to the interview…

Like many have said, this all just sounds fake. You are preaching to people who are not looking for a sermon. I am not much older than you, only 21, and seeing these words written from someone my own age, its laughable. I happen to be a fairly accomplished writer myself. Last year I won a fiction award at my university. I say this not to “toot my own horn” but to attempt to demonstrate that one can be an accomplished thinker and writer without cramming it down others throats. You talk about your art as though it is something more than what it is. Don’t get me wrong, like I said, excellent work, but you carry on too much about the meaning of it. I look at your aliens you have sculpted and I think “Oh! Cool aliens!” I do not see an artist illustrating his inner-self or however it would be phrased (I am relatively uneducated in the field of philosophical matters). It seems like you are trying so hard to seem “divinely-humble” that you are coming off as arrogant.

“I do not know if the term artist is good. I mean, is it only practice or discipline and mixing poetry creation that makes a person an artist? Can a person who has read some books of philosophy can be said a philosopher?”

No, they cannot because they are not philosophizing. The same could be said for a person who looks at a painting (essentially the exact same concept), they are not an artist. But if a person is writing down their beliefs and ideas, then in essence they are a philosopher, just as a person, such as yourself, who creates art is in fact an artist. I cannot imagine the arrogance it takes to attempt to redefine the term “artist” at the age of 19.

But anyway, great work and congrats on the interview.

ghandi hates you right now.

I couldn’t agree more with this particular comment.

This interview is intellectual masturbation.

Come on, people! You are not even talking about his work anymore. How do you judge a person by couple pages of interview? The attitude of a person talking can make the meaning of words very different. We can’t even see that here. I personally find him very interesting and would love to see how this indivdual grows. It does not matter if he is 19 or 99. He is expressing his philosophical opinions. If you don’t like them, don’t hire him. Or find him and have a debate. Otherwise get over it and move on. I’m so unsubscribing this thread!:confused:

neither is he :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very cool models man!!


WOW!! Brilliant! Thanks for sharing this!!:slight_smile:

the interview made be cringe a bit, what a shame he chose to do it like this…

but the work is really nice!