
Extreme Carnivor ( *Honorable Mention* Neo Tokyo Challenge )

It was about two months ago that I participated in Artstation’s Neo Tokyo Challenge and finally won the Honorable Mention title.༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽
I am especially grateful to the people who Purely and lovingly helped me to learn a lot and create this artwork.
I am very grateful to dear Master Omid Moradi ( https://omiiidmoradi.artstation.com/ ) , who made my life path clearer with his guidance and accelerated my skill development. The greatest honors are for you Dear Master :yellow_heart:
It is very valuable for me that you gave me your precious time,
I wish you the best moments :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:
I am deeply grateful to dear Mehdi Abdollahi ( https://mahdiabdollahi.artstation.com/ ), without this dear Great person, I would never have been able to complete many of my artworks. I praise you for your high knowledge.
Your Kindness is very praiseworthy and valuable for me. Thank you for always being by my side and being a great help to me, I will never forget​:green_heart:
I wish you the best :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
I sincerely thank Dear Adel Vaez Ghaemi ( https://adelvg.artstation.com/ ) for being my supporter and helping me in a friendly way all this time,
Thank you for all your valuable advices, dear Adel,
I appreciate your knowledge and art :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:
I am very grateful to Dear Master Hooman Raad (https://hooman.artstation.com/), without his guidance, I would never have found the motivation to participate in the challenge.Thank you Very Much that my success was important to you as a Master and guide for me,:purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:
I am always amazed by their artworks
I wish you the best
:orange_heart:Thanks to masters gio nakpil and Kris Costa​:orange_heart:
Giovanni Nakpil :
Kris Costa (Antropus) :
The greatest respects for you honorable Masters :pray::pray::pray::pray:
I am also indebted to Mr.Jared Chavez ( https://jchavez21.artstation.com/ ) for many of his valuable lessons And tutorials that have helped me along the way and greatly added to my knowledge and art.
I want to thank my Dear friend who, along with the feedbacks and guidance she gave me, gave me peace and Love and motivation so that I would not give up. I deeply appreciate you for your Pure love :orange_heart::heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::heart::orange_heart:
I Wish You the best Dear Masiha ( https://masiha_alipour.artstation.com/ )
You are a talented and artistic girl and I got a lot of help from your artistic eyes,
The eyes I love :green_heart:
Also, thanks to Mr. Yamamoto dove for his catchy concept, which I was very fascinated by.:heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:
Best Regards,