

Hello everyone!

I’m delighted to share my latest real-time stylized character. This is Executioner, a formidable final enemy lurking in the shadows of a dark of his lair. He becomes an unforgettable challenge for those who seek to conquer the dungeon and reveal the secrets it holds.

As many of you may already know, I’ve had the opportunity to participate in a character mentorship program at Kreaktivate. I want to express my gratitude for all the support, feedback, and guidance I’ve received from the project, both from Juan Olea Carrillo and my mentor, Ángel Molina Arias, and of course, thanks to the entire Kreaktivate staff.

For more detailed renders and videos featuring this character, feel free to explore my ArtStation profile at this link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1xQAXK

I hope you enjoy it!
