

Hi everyone, this is my latest spare time crunching, what do you think?
I want to texture it also at some point, hope you like it!


Hi guys, here is a textured version of this character. I used Toolbag 2 for the render, hope you will like it!

Also I uploaded a Marmoset Viewer version of the character, so you can have a look at the different maps on it.

<iframe width=“640px” height=“480px” src=“https://www.artstation.com/embed/1450293” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen=“true” webkitallowfullscreen=“true” onmousewheel="" scrolling=“no”> </iframe>

Hello everyone!
I thought I give it a try to render my old model in Marmoset Toolbag. I think it came out quite nice, C&C very wellcome!

pocahontas_render_002 (0-00-00-00).jpg
pocahontas_render_003 (0-00-00-00).jpg


pocahontas_render_002.jpg (0 Bytes)

Amazing work and I would like to thank you for sharing such a great stuff. Can you share your work process especially, girl’s face texturing and lighting?

Great looking image!
What kind of references did you look at for the face?

Thanks guys!
For the head texture I used the mixture of photo projection and hand painting. I did the projection with ZappLink using photoshop, I made separate for the front and side views than combined them together. Then I made a layer on top in Zbrush polypaint.
This technique was used on the body also.

Reference wise I just looked at the original film character and tried to redesign a bit keeping the main characteristics she has.

Hi guys! Here are some different views of the model comped in Photoshop.
Happy New Year to all of You!

beautiful work man

Very nice, especially when looking closely to the final render!

Thanks guys for the kind words!

Good work mate

Thanks man!