
Ecorche Anatomy

I have been working on a project for a few months now that doesn’t involve any anatomy and so I decided to sculpt and ecorche study today in order to get back into some anatomy work. I used the usual Sobotta Atlas of anatomy and Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy fore reference. The main shape was boxed out in lowpoly with Zbrush and then divided and sculpted using the Claybuildup brush which is my favorite for doing this sort of thing.

I want to play around with this some more and try out some dynamic looking poses and possibly add more detail. Thanks for looking. Arran




Did you do this if so very nice :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

that looks great, very nice job.

Excellent work,love wut u did with the shader on that last one with subsurf mind posting a front view with the same?

Really nice ecorche! SSS looks great!

Awesome as allways! :+1:

Wow! That looks cool!

Hi, thanks very much for your comments. I have been practising posing the model before I go back and work more detail into it, just to have some fun I guess. Every time I use transpose I find it easier, I am learning more about the best places to begin and end a mask and how much to soften it before moving limbs which can make a big difference to the amount of model correction you have to do once the pose is complete.


I have now got the female model done. I found it a bit of a challenge at
time to get a muscular figure to look female. It really helped me
observe the profile shapes of the female anatomy. I realise that both
the male and female figures I have made are athletic in form, as this is
the idea for a starting point of reference. I admire people can can
instantly sculpt a variety of body types showing a great knowledge and
understanding of how the weight of the fat and skin hangs off the frame
in places. If anyone wants a good reference for muscular anatomy then
Frederic Delavier is the most amazing and drawing the human anatomy as
found in his Strength Training Anatomy books.

Woow :slight_smile: this is amazing. great work man.

awesome work on the female

Thank you for these, they are fantastic.
I have a LOT to learn about anatomy and these will help.

Thanks again and Cheers!

This is new born baby, which is part of a collection of weekly developments of the fetus. I have been experimenting with rendering using a quad shader, with a slight amount of strength on the wax modifier, and also I added the 4th shader (s4) using a light cap that I made up that allows me to enhance edge light and colour. I found that using a shader for the edge light effects offered a quick way to make adjustment. There is nothing fancy used in the render settings, just AO and Shadow both on moderate ‘Angle’ 140 and ‘blur’ 6. There is a small amount of PS work in this just to enhance a few things. Thanks for looking.




good stuff you got there!!! really amazing work!!!

Excellent work.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Ooh !

So amazing !

How long did it take to sculpt the baby and what kind of base did you start with ? :slight_smile:

Great work :slight_smile:

The Baby one is amazing and adorable =) Love this picture, it is so warm.

Great work !!! Top row for me!

Looking really good! :+1:

very nice work!