

Some Octane Render I made to test Ocatane 2.0 within Maya
some more on my web

Hi is this royalty free character? Can i use this for my commercial games? really like it:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

All models included with the installation of ZBrush are free for its license holders to use commercially. That includes Earthquake. That being said, the Earthquake character is under the Samurai Showdown copyright. This means that to use the model as-is for anything other than fan art would require an agreement with that copyright holder. To use the model commercially without such an agreement would require significant changes to the model so that it is no longer recognizable as the original character.

Earthquake in T-pose ! I have received quite some request from people willing to rig or animate Earthquake for multiple purpose! so here it is, Enjoy !

Earthquake – Google Drive


Thank you Arnaud!
…Im getting “request access” prompt when trying to get into the link… tried several accounts, does anyone else experience this?

Works perfectly now.

Oh! You saved my hours mate! Thx a lot!