
DynamMesh (5 part videos) by Michael Pavlovich + Tutorial added (pg 4)

A big thanks from me for taking the time to share your knowledge and making the videos etc. I have learnt so much :laughing: :+1:

Great vids, clear and smart.

Dang, that was alot of good info-:+1:

thank you very much, michael! i recently bought Character Production from eat3D and i enjoyed and found quite useful, like this thread and every answer you did. I´m finishing my last work and its very easy now i know such info. thanks again!

Really cool! I just watched all 5 in one go rather than waiting for the next one to be released a few days ago.
That was a really awesome resource of information. More of that, please. :slight_smile:

This will be the absolute perfect feedback regarding this tutorial. In my knowledge this is one of the best and helpful video tutorial we ever had experience. aweosme… please keep posting sir… thanks a lot ;):+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

This movie I learned a lot! Grateful to share

Hi Michael,

Could you share some of your render settings for your shadows and AO layers?

I really struggle in zbrush 4r2 to get a good shadow/ao layer to multiply on to my model

Thanks very much mate

Hope Michael is working on something new.

Dude you are awesome :smiley:


First thanks a lot for this tutorials
but i cant watch it online becouse my connection is weak
any way to download it
But I can download better than watch online, I hope you Rvha on the link supports the completion of
I will be grateful to you a lot
Sorry for my language

If you use firefox, there’s a plugin that will allow you to download videos. I always download them locally, and then don’t have to worry about internet downages, or content no longer being available.

Very awesome and informative videos. Thank you so much.

This set of tutorials is just fantastic. The shell feature is awsome.
BUT when i saw Michael talk about resolution allthough this was clear and simple to understand
i could not understand the number choices… Why 32 and not 30?
Why 512 resolution not 500 and then 128 resolution?
Why these strange numbers?
Would love to understand this. Whats going on?
Anyone know the real real answer?

Typically, computer chip math handles things better with multiples of 16… so 16X8=128, and 16X32=512.

At least thats my guess.

Bitmaps on Wikipedia.
Okay your comment lead my mind all the way here. I think this is what its all about.
In typical uncompressed bitmaps, image pixels are generally stored with a color depth of 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, or 64 bits per pixel. Pixels of 8 bits and fewer can represent either grayscale or indexed color. An alpha channel (for transparency) may be stored in a separate bitmap, where it is similar to a greyscale bitmap, or in a fourth channel that, for example, converts 24-bit images to 32 bits per pixel.Thank you for your replys and thank all the Pixologic team for just being the way you are. Tutorials, help, everything about you guys is positive.

Thats talking about depth, not dimensions. Some applications handle image sizes better if you stick to the multiplier sizes I mentioned. If you are not sure, its always a safe bet to use them just in case.

(I usually do, but now more out of habit than anything else.)


Nice tuts Michael. Thank you very much!

Have a question for you. How do you reconstruct the subdivision history? Do you make copies of the objects before merge them? And then use them to project the details when you group split them back?

Thanks in advance!