
Dustin Brown Sketchbook

wow man, nice work. I am a big fan of H.R. Giger. I love the alien movies, that face hugger looks amazing. Great work on it. His work can be seen in a few movies, Aliens being his biggest one. but he also did the alien for the Species movies. Keep it up, your work is amazing.

I dig :+1:

I want to let you know that one thing I noticed about your work is that its incredibly “clean”. Your work shows good craftsmanship. What I mean by that is your mesh and topo is even and celan, your details are accurate, and usually due to the function or anatomy and not just thrown in there because it looks cool. Everything is nicely defined.

No crits at this time.

Thanks guys, too kind :slight_smile:

I’ve been working on the materials in 3ds max. I’m pretty happy with it at this point. I obviously need to work on the finger nails, they look bad. Getting very close to being able to rig, pose, light, and do a final render.




I like the newest version of texturing and color you got going. It would be nice to see a blend between the two, or a little more slimeyness to it if you know what I mean. Great work as always :+1:




Cool facehugger! Nice sculpting but I agree some more sliminess would be good :+1:

wow~I can feel your artistic skill :+1: :+1: :+1:



yes blud. i ****ing love aliens. this face hugger is bad ass. should make a cryotube for it to go in and light it with like an icey blue light or somthing. good work:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Awesome work Dustin! What did you render that with? Max and MR?

Nice pose, looks like its in mid leap towards my face :lol:

neat work dustin :sunglasses: :+1:

This brings up real creepy childhood memories playing this alien 1 game
on some 486 pc. Man these things where all over the place and i was
definitly too young for it. Have too admit yours looks better tho :smiley:
The original didnt even have polys if im not mistaken was all spriteshttp://zbrushcentral.com/zbc/images/smilies/lol2.gif

For the render u should maybe use a different lightning it looks a bit
blown out like this a 3 point lightning should do the job and make it
more dramatic

LeoAMD: Thanks, man!

Aberrant: Yep, 3dsmax and mental ray

Disco Stu: Thanks for the critique. My first computer game was Alone in the Dark for the 386. It was the first 3D game I remember seeing that wasn’t a FPS like Wolfenstein.

Here’s a breakdown of the new lighting rig. It’s less washed out and I believe it works well for the context. I’ll run it through Photoshop and post the final either tonight or tomorrow morning. Going to see the new Star Trek film tonight, wahoo!



Final version. I’m sick of looking at it, I need to move on to something new.





Great thread!
And the facehugger would be a cool pet. :wink:

nice work !!!

yeah looking good :sunglasses: :+1:
alone in the dark was scary haha

Nice breakdown. I have a random question for you based on your work flow.

Since you like to use each light direction as a pass for complete control…
Lets say you used some SSS on this guy.

Would you render SSS with all 3 lights at once?
Would you render each light pass with SSS?

The reason I ask is because you would obviously get different results rendering with passes of SSS versus having all 3 on at the same time with SSS.

I am not sure if there is a definitive “right” or “wrong” answer, more your opinion.

Great work once again, :+1: looking forward to what you come up with next.

Thanks guys!

Actually, Brian, I didn’t combine the three light passes in post, the combined version is the additive result of all three lights being turned on. The same skin shader with SSS capability is applied in each of the individual light shots I posted previously, it’s just that the only light that’s really showing off the SSS is the back light.

The way SSS works, the angle from light to subject to camera needs to be greater than 90-degrees in order for the photons to pass through the subject and hit the camera lens. In my case, the back light was the only light where this was happening, and that was a conscious design choice.


Also, remember that light color is additive and pigment color is subtractive, so the result of combining the three light passes in Photoshop would have looked different than doing it the way I did with all three lights turned on in a single pass. I only posted the three individual light passes earlier to illustrate what each light was doing so that Disco Stu wouldn’t call me out on having crappy lighting again :slight_smile:

Hope that helps :slight_smile:




Yes that helps. I have a basic understanding of SSS but thanks for the breakdown, very informative.

Also I was under the impression you WERE compositing the three passes in post. Now I see you simply turned on the lights one at a time, only to show their effect on the subject and to show Disco Stu whats up hahaha. Since that’s the case and you are rendering with all three lights on instead of passes, my question has been thrown out the window and splattered all over the ground below. Now it looks like a random question with no relevance… damn. :o

I started an oil painting class recently and I wanted to share my first painting. It’s a fun medium, I’m really enjoying learning how to use it. It’s supposed to be Daniel Day-Lewis.

