
Drogo WIP

and here is a little breakdown

great render.hands looks awersom.

Awesome work mate!! :slight_smile: :+1:

Great job. His expression is very good and all around it’s nice model and render. Just one thing, he is too much clean, I think, add some dirt on hands, some sweat trails and it’ll be incredible!

I’m impressed. Great job on this piece.

I would love to see you’re rendering and scene setup.


the render is ok the texture especialy and lighting but he mode realy isnt that great, manny beginner isues on the anatomy, ok but not top row from me .
I dont like what he shows us on the zbrush model.

I was just thinking how great the anatomy was! I love the lighting, shaders, models and render. You may have mentioned this already, but what did you render this piece with? I look forward to seeing more quality work from you soon. Top Row for sure!

Seems a bit harsh without saying what you see that is wrong.

thanks guys :slight_smile:
Here I show the lighting setting, is prety classical 3 lights, oh , well, there are 4 lights :P.
Anyway the immportant is give it more depth,the Area light can give a very soft look, but for back lit, I use spotlight for give more raidus control.

and also some more renering from Zbrush as well

Great model, you really caught the resemblance with the actor!
How did you make the hair and the beard? They look great!

The anatomy in my opinion looks good; the skin on his face looks too polished and a bit flat, I would make it more bumpy; I would also work a bit more on the cloth on his hands.

I was thinking the same thing.

Thanks, I have to learn really alot, and I always do.

got some time this weekend, here is some update rendering .I did littlem ore sculpture on face and gloves , and also some lighting changes, not sure if is better or not , anyway, just for fun :slight_smile:

good job about gloves and all, well done

That is insane…thanks for the inspiration! Do you have a website?

Beginner issues? That is severely harsh.

I thought the first image was great but you definitely fixed a couple of flaws and made a great image even better! Good job! My only thing is that the bicep on his left arm (screen right) looks a bit odd. I feel it would be twisted more inwards in that pose. Do you have any photo reference of this pose?

Wowwww, it’s amazing. I love it.


great man frontpage!!

Man this is NOT beginner work. :confused: Please show us some of your work if you dont mind. I know plenty of well paid, highly experienced artists that can not produce an image like this.

At least be constructive with your criticism. Be specific about what you dont like and provide feedback on how those aspects can be improved. If you have the time to discredit the
guys art then surely you have to time to follow up with some pointers.

I think the image is great! A very good likeness and its obvious that you put a lot of effort into this. The only thing that immediately stands out to me is his left Bicep (screen right).
Nothing that would take long to fix though.

Great job man, keep it coming!:+1:

Wow! Awesome work man !!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Best Cxyda