

very, very beautiful sculpt!

one common weakness i observed: the shoes are too symmetrical - the inside of the sole is too straight

great :+1:

Not Bruce Willis, not Johny Depp, not Joker/Batman!

I love you man! :slight_smile:

Can’t understand why everybody seems to be stucked with two-three actor faces. Looks like Hollywood ends with ****ing Bruce if you browse through people who are trying to create actor portraits you won’t find anybody else.


Awesome work! One of my favorite movies too. Did you happen to sculpt the wicked scorpion on the back :smiley:

This is very life-like and the jacket is like you could touch it.

I’m wondering how you got the lines to bend in the diamond pattern on the jacket. Did you put those on first or after you sculpted the wrinkles?

would have love to have seen hair fibers but overall a beautiful sculpt and a worthy top row place :+1:

the eyes!!!
the eyes!!!

amazing work,
ryan gosling didn’t speak much in that movie,
he does all the acting just with his eyes,
you managed to capture his eyes perfect!

I LOVE IT:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

What a brilliant movie, that is amazing work man

I did that after i sculpted the folds, you can check the breakdown for that on page 3!


your artwork is amazing !
Wrinkled clothes is excellent.

I’ve seen the movie too. And his face is really a brilliant copy. Excellent

masc :slight_smile:

Your work always leave me speechless


congratulations for the Top Row man, really nice stuff !
keep RoCkInG :+1:

Sooo cool! Your work is inspiring dude!

Hey amazing work. Thanks for sharing your techniques as well. I was wondering what is your method for doing the wrinkles? I was also wondering if you posed last then did the final wrinkles especially on his arm without the hammer. I hope that makes sense keep rocking I would love to see another likeness sculpt from you.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thanks man, i did the folds and wrinkles with the model on the final pose. I sculpted as if it is suppose to be a statue.

Amazing work man!! Thank you for being such an inspiration every time!

Wow, excellent work!