
Drawing Tablet

Can anyone recommend a good drawing tablet that is compatible with zBrush.
I prefer one that has the image on the tablet.

I’ve always used Wacom tablets. Right now I’m very happy with the Wacom Intuos Pro Medium. It’s the perfect balance between drawing space and convenience for me.

If you want a screen to draw on, check out the Wacom Cintiq series. They’re pricey though, and personally I found it not so ergonomic to work on a slanted screen. I also disliked having my hand in front of a large part of the working space. :slightly_smiling_face:

Good luck.

If you have a low budget, XP-Pen graphics tablet are cheap and do the job.I’ve used Deco 03 A4 for like 3 years and works great with ZBrush. A4 size is unnecessarily large for sculpting though, I rarely move my hand far from the center of the tablet.

I would go for a pen display tablet like the XP-Pen Artist 24 Pro , or similar if you are anything like me. I don’t have the best eye-to-hand coordination, and a screen tablet helps me work faster and more efficiently thanks to that.