
Dragonball Sculpt [I. SSJ Goku] [II. Freeza]

Great!! This is some real great work, I love dragonball myself, and this is a great character design. I’ve wanted to do one myself.

very nice work !

you have made the cloth in zbrush . So did you create them with “extract” ?

Whick max and vray version did you used ?

I am using max2008 and vray 1.5rc3 and have some problems with the cloth displacement.

…adaptation :+1:

Goku is my favorite character too.
:+1: :slight_smile:

I’ve long since grown out of my DBZ phase but I really must say, that is freaking impressive. You’ve nailed the style and proportions perfectly, good work man, keep it up!!

congratulations on the top row… this really is a fantastic work… this thread and the Naruto WIP that’s been floating around here lately are seriously the first truly convincing 3d adaptations of anime style I have seen outside of professional studio productions such as Advent Children… and it’s very inspirational to see this happening

plus I just get some geeked out, twisted, giddy satisfaction out of seeing Goku sharing a pedestal with a lot of the best cg art on the internet

congrats! well deserved :smiley:

Very nicely done! And the cloths, sweet.

Very cool !!! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Wooow ! :o:o
very nice modeling .
the skin shader looks terrific.later you it could show as it made in v-ray
can you tell more details about skin shader?

Hamed katebi

Oh God!

Really, really awsome man!.

I am modeling on these days characters of Dragon Ball (not the main’s) and the references for the dragon ball games didnt like me very much. But, with your work, I can have a good base to follow with my job!.

Thanks a lot man!

5 Stars… Really!

amazing…i love dragon ball.

This is one of the best CG adaptions of an anime character…really well done!!.

The render is fantastic…

-I`m very new to 3DMAX and VRAY, can you talk about how do you set up the displacement, IBL, GI and Subsurface Scatering in VRAY…please

Are you also goin to make Vegeta?

Brings back memories. It’s good to see something different, and like others have mentioned your models are right on model. Great job.

mondo cool :sunglasses:

Absolutely astonishing work! Those renders look like photographs of expensive collectors models.
I wish I had a quarter of you skills and know-how :laughing: :+1: :+1:

Wow! Great! :sunglasses: :+1:

amazing… i hope someday they make a 3d dbz movie with models like this

It’s like a cartoon Character and I like it.:wink:

nice goku and freeza models, not into dragon ball z, but those are very good indeed.

this is awesome work.

if it is not too much trouble can you tell us how did you make displacement maps to work with vray . just your step by step process ?