
Doom Eternal Art Dump!

Hello everyone, been a bit since I’ve posted anything, but that’s due to us all being hard at work on Doom Eternal. I wanted to take a moment and share some of our work from the title.

First and foremost, I would like to take a second and thank the Character team for being the awesome gents that they are! It’s a real honor to work with artists as professional and passionate as the team at Id Software. I just hit my 10-year mark and it’s been a blast. Time sure does fly!

When starting out on Eternal, we wanted to take a different direction than Doom 2016. We wanted to punch the designs up and push them a bit. We headed for a more Saturday morning cartoon vibe. More color, bolder style, brighter blood and in your face. We really wanted to pay homage to the classic iconic designs of Doom I and II. A good part of us are from the 80/90s gen, so you can’t help but see the references in the colors and designs. Saturday morning cartoons, 80s horror, its influences are all over Eternal, its dripping with it. There was a good bit of figuring all of that out in the 2d concept phase as well as the 3d. What worked in 2d, sometimes was a bit tricky to science out in 3d space, but we made it work. My hat is off to the excellent concept team at Id Software, they really went the extra mile.

Once again, Zbrush was instrumental to our pipeline, more so now than ever. In the past, most of us would traditional poly-model the majority of all hard surfaces. This go around we completely made the switch to 100% Zbrush. We used it for all modeling-related tasks. With the additions and iterations to both Zmodeler and Zremesher, there was no going back. At first it was a bit different wrapping our heads around the toolset, but once you stick with it, it clicks. The majority of all hard-surface was done with Zmodeler and Dynamic subdiv. We would use those tools to hit clean shapes and major forms, but keep it simple and clean. Eventually, we would apply the subdiv and use a variety of brushes for panel lines and details. Early on in the project, we were Zmodeling a lot more than we found we had to. Nothing wrong with this method, it gives you very clean results, but we found it more time-consuming and tedious. We decided to move to brushes for all the details and keep the major manifolds as basic as possible. Not only did this speed up our process, but we found it all the more enjoyable to experiment with. It was faster and easier to try differnt shapes, lines and details. It was a major boost all around. Like I said, no going back. Not every piece was made with Zmodeler either. Depending on the shape we needed, sometimes we would sculpt it, extract it, and Zremesh it. Having those two approaches to modeling is extremely powerful and you use the right tool when it makes the most sense. Another honorable mention is Boolean, we didn’t use it all the time, but it’s extremely useful when used properly. Symbols, engravings, complex shapes, you name it, it can do it. All in all, the move to Zbrush for all modeling tasks just made our lives so much easier. No more importing and exporting, having everything under one roof was a huge advantage. Its been a pleasure and a massive thanks to the team at Pixologic!

Enough words for now, here is some of my work from Eternal. The team will follow up with their individual contributions.

All HD full-res images can be found here:
my Arstation

The Marauder! This was a fun one and everyone’s favorite pain in the ass! Concept, Emerson Tung


The Wintherin! Concept, Emerson Tung

The Dreadknight! Concept, Jon Lane

The Mancubus! Everyone’s favorite Big Boi! Modeling/texturing myself, heart model by Peter Boehme. Concept, Alex Palma

The Cyber Mancubus! Concept, Alex Palma

The Prowler! Base modeling/texturing, myself, additonal detailing and texturing by Emanuel Palalic, final 4k texture pass, myself. Concept, Hugo Martin

The Imp! This has touched a few hands. Body model by Brett Briley, an evolution of a previous Kenneth Scott iteration. Head model/texture and body texture, myself. Additional modeling and texture update Emanuel Palalic. Final 4k texture pass, myself. Eternal concept pass, Alex Palma

The Arachnotron! Concept, Alex Palma

The Pinky! Concept, Hugo Martin

The Khan Maykr! Concept, Alex Palma

The Hellknight! Concept, Alex Palma


The Darklord Mech! Concept, Alex Palma.


Looking good Phil!

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The Crucible! Concept, Emerson Tung.

DLC 2 | Shark! Concept, Collin Geller.


First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to put these thread together and sharing these artworks with all of us here!.

10 year anniversary? Congrats Jason!!! :trophy: Talk about the ID team!!! All heavy hitters in my book and have been for quite sometime :wink:

Congrats to:
Jason Martin (Lead Character Artist at iD Software)
Emerson Tung
Jon Lane
Peter Beohme
Alex Palma
Emanuel Palalic
Hugo Martin
Brett Briley (and Kenneth Scott :slight_smile: )
Phillip Bailey (Principal Artist at iD Software) Welcome to ZBrushCentral :slight_smile:
Collin Geller
and the rest of the iD team!!!


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Posting on behalf of Peter Boehme.

HD renders can be found here:

Revenant! concept Alex Palma

Whiplash! concept, Alex Palma

Tyrant! concept, Emerson Tung

Armored Baron, concept Emerson Tung


Environment | Guts! Concept, Alex Palma.

DLC2 | Titan Corpse! Concept, Emerson Tung.


An absolute feast for the eyes.

Thank you for taking the time to put all of this together. It’s a true mega-post!


Environment | Hell Skulls! Concept, Jon Lane.

Environment | Hell Door! Concept, Jon Lane.


WoW! Gorgeous visuals! :clap:

oh hooooh oooh :slight_smile: just having a blast watching this. great stuff!!!

Good work.

Wow, I could look at this post for hours! Thanks for sharing!! :skull:

Amazing work, thank you so much for sharing! :+1:

Thanks so much for sharing all this amazing work! I’ve been a fan of DOOM since the early PC days when it came on floppy disks. Glad to see the legacy alive and well with more beautiful artwork than ever!

Wow, thank you for sharing so much. So many cool characters in this post and it’s amazing that even all of the hard surface was done in ZBrush.

A tip of the hat to the team. Just amazing work.

Brilliant work. Love it, and really stoked how zbrush was used for so much of it. Congrats on a bitchin game. :clap::clap::clap:

Hi! Here is the Doom Slayer I worked on for DOOM Eternal.
The suit is modeled completely with Zmodeler with some booleans for small details.
Concept by Alex Palma.


Incredible work, guys!
Any chance of seeing the Titan, Maligog here?
Thanks for sharing.

This is the sort of stuff that keeps me motivated to keep getting better and better.
Amazing work!