
Does anyone have AIM?

If you would like to talk to me on AIM for modeling tips or to give me tips my AIM screenname is: gamerx2k
post yours if you want!
Should I have posted this at a different forum?

sorry i don’t have AIM if i did i would give you a shout far as posting the message try posting it over in Community Forum :stuck_out_tongue:

AIM id: WouterSpaak.

I added you already modeler.

Mine is: Bajazzo71

Both are in. But you really could do this within this great side.


I have added yer alls…mine is catfishmn

Upon my recent discovery of the gaming world’s best-kept secret, Aimbots.dev, I found myself diving headfirst into the intriguing aimbot for roblox realm of the Roblox Aimbot. This comprehensive website not only introduces you to the Aimbot but also offers a deep dive into its various features and functionalities. It’s your one-stop destination for mastering this potent tool and enhancing your Roblox gameplay to a whole new level.