
Digital sculpts for Las Fallas festival 2020

Thanks TeloX666!

Thanks Boozy_Floozie! Well, in the case of the monument with the ostrich, as it has around 14 characters, I think it must’ve taken me the equivalent to two months of work. Although I worked on it along the whole year as I alternate several commisions of different monuments at the same time. Usually the fallero artists tell me what figures I should give priority, as they need to start working on the most complex structures the earliest possible. Then, there are some other figures, that the structure of the monument doesn’t depend on them, that we can leave for later in the year.

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Hi Moises, thanks for posting again this year, it’s something I look forward to. Documenting the entire workflow from 2D through to finishing is such a treat to see as many of us are interested in all different aspects of the creation. Thanks for so many videos this year.
It’s great to see how much employment this festival supports.
Sorry they didn’t go up in flames this year. Are you going to work on new pieces for next year to have a Super Las Fallas festival 2021? or will it be the 2020 sculptures that get burned?

Stay safe, John

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If these are not burn, I’ll take them as display in our offices :rofl: :star_struck:

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Wow! Stylized perfection!

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Thanks ZMichael!

He he he, that would be great, Jaime!

Thanks John. Yes, it’s incredible the amount of artists and artisans, here in Valencia, that can make a living thanks to this festival. The bad thing is that the situation that we are living right now is going to affect the festival, and hopefully not, but some fallero artist could close their buisness. They have been waiting for a while to see if they could celebrate the festival in summer, but in the end the authorities has said to totally cancel it until next year. So these monuments are going to be displayed in 2021, and the local goverments are giving echonomical aids to start working from now on the monuments for 2022. I’m already working on monuments for 2022, indeed. So, hopefully this would mean the lowest damage possible for the festival.

bunch of Awesome work !!! love it. :heart_eyes:

Thanks Milindsutar!

That is great! I like it

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Thanks Shangqun!

You win at ZBrush! This is the best digital to physical project I have ever seen.


j’adore votre travail, Bravo.
Les incroyables artistes qui réalisent ces sculptures sont-ils tous des indépendants ou y a t-il une société ou compagnie qui les réunies tous ?
J’ai plusieurs projets de sculpture de grande dimensions a réaliser alors j’aimerais en savoir plus.
Merci et encore bravo !!!

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Awesome stuff! Hope to see plenty more!

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Thanks Oliver, these artists work mostly as independent workshops, although sometimes they partner with some other workshops for some particular works. Good luck with you project!