
Diablo (Realtime)

so perfect :slight_smile:
can’t wait to see your next works!!

Wow! Crazy design and superbly executed.
Can’t wait to see what you do next!

Thanks guys!

I use all the bakes like the occlusion map and normal map as a guide to where to paint the colors. And generate a few maps using crazybump. This way is easy to know what is happening.

This is just insane work! It’s clearly done by a veteran!
I also love what you did with the turntable environment.
Just a question isn’t 23K tris too highres for game model?
I also liked him better with the flats.
Cheers :slight_smile:

Cheers for the dyna mesh video. Are you still running your online character workshop this year?

Makes a whole lotta sense! Thanks for the reply!

Nice I like it :+1:


Happy to see other fav game with Zbrush 8)

Thanks the dynamesh video was very helpful. I have to make areas and isolate them from others more often. The textures are amazing such much detail. The final render is the best I ever seen done in marmosoft. Keep it up and congrats on getting top row.

Just out of curiosity how long did this take you? Amazing work.

Amazing work as aways man!! Incredible detail level!!

How did you get this very nice render in Marmoset? I never achieve this results…

Anyway. Amazing work!!

Incredible work !!
Your model is really breathtaking, I am even more impressed on how good it looks in low poly, the retopology to go from zbrush to a 21k character is invisible, do you have a secret ? :]

awesome work!

Hello, i’d like to know how can such a complicated model have such a low poly count ? It looks amazing btw!

I said it before when I saw your speed scultpturing WOW You have so much detail in the face I wonder if jewelry could be made from this. really great work I’m a fan.

Jesus Christ even my grandchildren felt this!!!

One Epic Work! And Love the Art!

its coool… thanks for share.

Great model Rafael,

I feel so lazy seeing that details.

I’m not a great fan from this new diablo design, i do like most the Old one, but you have made an fantastic work on shape and detail, and the texture looks sick.

ta massa!:+1:

This is one of the best demon i saw in the past few years i think ! you defiantly nailed it man !
the level of details is crazy ! and the texture looks just perfect :+1:
I read you are planing of doing a "making of "
if that’s so i would be very interested and glad to know about the baking process with Xnormal and crazybump in depth if possible :smiley:
never had the chance to work with those 2 programs and every time i discover that it’s unavoidable in the game industry
I’m sure it’s easy when you know exactly what to do !

thanks man !