
Designing a Multi-Use 47’ x 50’ Space: Combining Half-Court Basketball and Pickleball Dimensions

Hey ZBrushCentral community!

I wanted to share some insights on a project I’ve been working on that combines the dimensions of a half-court basketball setup with a pickleball court within a single 47’ x 50’ space. This might be of interest to those of you who are into designing versatile recreational areas or creating detailed 3D models for multi-purpose sports facilities.

Basketball Half-Court Dimensions

A standard half-court in basketball typically measures 50’ in width and 47’ in length, which fits perfectly into our given space. This setup includes the key elements:

  • Free-Throw Line: 15’ from the backboard.
  • Three-Point Line: 19’9” from the hoop, fitting well within the half-court.
  • Key (The Paint): 12’ wide.

Pickleball Court Dimensions

Pickleball courts are smaller but need to be carefully integrated into the basketball layout:

  • Court Size: 20’ wide by 44’ long.
  • Non-Volley Zone (Kitchen): 7’ from the net on each side.
  • Net Height: 36” at the sidelines and 34” in the middle.

Optimizing the Space

To combine these two, consider the following layout strategies:

  1. Shared Baseline: Use one baseline of the basketball court as one end of the pickleball court.
  2. Overlapping Areas: Align the pickleball court within the basketball half-court, ensuring the pickleball net can be easily set up and taken down without interfering with basketball play.
  3. Markings: Use different colors or types of lines (dashed for one sport, solid for the other) to distinguish between the basketball and pickleball boundaries.

Benefits of a Combined Court

  • Versatility: Great for community centers or homes with limited space.
  • Cost-Effective: Save on construction and maintenance by having one multi-use surface.
  • Engagement: Encourage participation in multiple sports, promoting fitness and fun.

I’m excited to see how you might visualize this concept using ZBrush. Whether for architectural visualization, game design, or just for fun, this dual-purpose court offers a lot of creative potential. Looking forward to your thoughts and any 3D models you might create based on this concept.