
Dental Models

Really nice job on the teeth and gums! :+1:

Great teeths I like it! Great shader , Vray rock’s! :wink:

those are some impressive teeth renders, great work. yet another reason i need to learn vray.

These renders came out so nice. I’m not really familiar with C4D, but VRay renders are soo nice to look at… :cool:

Thanks for everyone for the comments!

Big guns: of course Vray rocks! This renders are inspired by your work with SSS and Vray. Before reading your posts I’ve never been able to achieve such realism with SSS… Thank you! :wink:

Very nice work, Doc.

I really would like to see more BioMed work on this site.

KlaNDeR : Hehe thank you and glad to know that I help you in some way :wink: Keep up the good work!

Any tips for making translucent in the end edge around teeth? Does it all matter with SSS2 shader or can I do something in texture to help it? Thanks~

There is no real translucency in this case, it’s everything on the texture. But you can use real translucency material with mask.

BTW here is some new stuff on dental models…






Man who knew teeth could look so amazing, great work!

Nice anatomy! I used to work as a dental lab tech for one of the best in the country. I would be amazing if you could print these off and actually use them for crowns or veneers.

Great stuff! I used work in the ceramics department of a lab. Nice to see some 3D dental models with this level of detail.

Amazing Renders And Work.

Thanks everyone!

I’m glad you liked the work.

wow, nice models and renders. I especially like the last render with the row of teeth, it looks very realistic. Do you use the SSS2 shader also for the alveolar bone?

By the way I’m currently studying dentistry :wink:

wow the teeth look great nice job!


JumpMeister, everything uses SSS2 shader. Great to know your studying dentistry, we will be colleagues!

too much details!!! REALLY - great stuff, and different. thank you. but paying an extra-insurance for my teeth and stuff - i don’t want to see this kind of detail! :wink:

keep rockin’!!!


Thanks chemkid!