
Decimation Master Keep UV's still creating UV stretching

Hello, I have been struggling to get a decimation out of Z brush with good UVs. Even with keep Uvs on, my Uv’s still come out stretched beyond reasonable use. The shells will be in the correct shape but in order to get that shape right Z Brush stretches the Uv points.

Uvtrouble1 Uvtrouble2

Here you can see the dark blue polygon it creates by moving that uv point up to far, and its easily fixable. The problem is, this scenario is taking place hundreds of times across my mesh and its not reasonable to go and move each of these points into their correct place by hand.

Here I moved that vertex along the seam into the correct position. You can see it did not require changing the islands silhouette.

Is there a way to get zbrush to correctly distribute these points without compromising the uv shell?