
Darukin's Sketchbook

dude sculpture is amazing and very excited about your animation plugin blows my mind about what would be possible!!! your clearly a legend in the making:D

Heya thanks earthtriber your comment is encouraging and much appreciated!

I’ll post the video here too since it’s my sketchbook (compilation of all my work purposes)


<object width=“425” height=“344”>

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ANIMATING in Zbrush!?:grimacing:
That just feels like too much for me :laughing:
But your work is great :+1:

Hey thanks Santis for your comment, I’m currently working on a new art piece that I’ll post soon.

Heh, yea I know ‘animating’ in Zbrush is too much for now, but don’t forget what i have here is just a feeble Zcript attempt as a personal project and to develop my programming skills in 3D space and maths etc as I study computer science, but using a platform that makes it possible.

Thing is Zbrush still has a long future ahead of it and they’re already perfecting sculpting tools etc, so I don’t see why a new form of animation should be ‘poo poohed’, like people say, for the future, even if it’s a decade from now. If Pixologic adds such features (viable ones of course) for creature animation and export fbx for instance it would really speed up animation process. You saw how quick it is to set up a ZSphere rig and get right to animating so quickly and with so many more polygons.

More over using what I have here but a little more polished and advanced would already have a use not only to convey creative motion ideas (using claymation) without having to leave Zbrush, to say, a client, but also for things such as replacement stop motion animation but in a much faster amount of time than in traditional packages.

However it’s a matter of consideration for the future, but yes they should stick to perfecting what their solution was designed to achieve for now which is sculpting, I agree.

The question then is whether they ever should engage in a whole new step like this, and if so when would be most reasonable, and what the program would gain or loose, or if they should stick to sculpting forever. But I see the Zbrush framework as an emerging, innovative and unique one which has the capacity to entail more than just sculpting. It’s just an idea.

<input id=“gwProxy” type=“hidden”><!–Session data–><input onclick=“jsCall();” id=“jsProxy” type=“hidden”><input id=“gwProxy” type=“hidden”><!–Session data–><input onclick=“jsCall();” id=“jsProxy” type=“hidden”>

wonderful man keep showing us your amazing works

This is awesome work, I really looked for critiques, but only found one that is a possible critique. The hands on the girl seem out of proportion, but it could be an angle illusion. A better angle might clear that up for illuminate the problem. My thinking is the thumb is too far back from the knuckles of the fingers or maybe it is just that the thumb is too far down - not sure just looks odd to me. Great work and a difinite inspiration to me:).

Yeah I agree, in the future it probably wouldn’t seem too strange, I mean if they just polished the rendering in Zbrush it would be almost like a one stop 3D package.
Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Hey, long time no post,

Just wanted to post a new Progress Shot / First Draft Zbrush render of my BloodElf that I’m working on. It is just a Marble material render to show some overall shapes etc.

By no means is it complete, but just a first draft with no fine alpha detail yet.

Will post complete version with angles soon when finished but I’m open to critique for core things though and direction of the design. This model is based on the World of Warcraft Blood Elf Toy.


Very good, the shield needs a handle as well as a strap. I look forward to the updates.


Hey thanks Sgrell for your comment, I visited your link, you have some amazing works!

Sure, will add a handle to shield too and fix gloves/hands also in the next updates, like i said tis a progress shot of first draft, not completed yet.

Also, the material and render I used seems not to be doing this justice as far as details, but I’m not sure what’s the best way in Zbrush to present models, best render seems to always wash some details with shadows etc.


Hi all , here is an update with details sculpted in.

I also put a handle like you suggested Sgrell, thanks





Good stuff, now I can die happy!!

Neat work :smiley:

Another fine model man!Always enjoy your work…cal

Fantastic Sculpting! Congratulations!

Heya thanks to you all, glad you guys like!

Hey all, just another presentation angle and shader, and large


Looks awesome… i just feel the Armour looks too beveled and not sharp enough… but hey overall …very nice work :smiley:

Awesome stuff! I agree that the armor needs to be more creased, you have some great detail and it would pop out more this way! Also the mouth expressions needs work, it looks kinda strange at the moment. :+1:

really nice work! some different style :smiley: