
dapharmers models and experiments


i think i need to completely redo all of my material passes to be happy on this one… im happy with texture and detailing but the mat ive been using is tripping me up by producing waaaaaaay too much red in the finished product… unfortunately zbrush crashed before i could play with it more and i had to drive… so here’s where things are for now at least…

full size : http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6090/6145323100_72f5faefe8_o.jpg

c&c appreciated



This is profoundly wrong! You are hilarious!

just wait until i figure out the best way to pose his one arm so that the tip of his curled pinky is touching the corner of his bottom lip :wink: and i still need to build a bonnet… i think the bonnet… the curled pinky… the other arm grabbing his fuzzy dice shaped rattle… i think he’ll be ready to go for his photoshoot :smiley:

just testing out the new toys… few minutes of playing with dynamesh and some curve stuff and the nifty two tone mats

just wish my system was causing crashes with some of the additive and negative processes. btu other then that loving the upgrades and really happy that cavity masking seems to be fixed… when the option shows up to use it…for soem reason it seemed to dissapear before :expressionless: . who knows…

little bit more extensive testing of new toys… 9/10s of this was done in dynamesh and final feathering and polypaint done on polymesh… extensive use of two tone materials and finally a photoshop mixture of something like 20 render passes just to play with the effects of various lightcaps.

c&c always appreciated

more playtime doodling with r2…

dynamesh is awesome… entire mesh done from a sphere… created a hair folicle insert brush that will work nicely for me later on for mustaches and other various short hair needs… wish meshinsert worked like an airbursh though… ahh one can dream.

still trying to get hand of new rendering enginer and lightcaps… think i actually got better results out of last one but thats after months of toying with it to develop a recipe that worked…and now that recipe doesnt work 100% nemore… will get tehre…

full size :

Hi Dapharmer…:slight_smile:
Hey, that last one reminds me of a fancy camouflaged praying mantis…the kind that look like leaves on a plant…Must be fall,…It has those fall colors to it…This new DynaMesh feature is a trip isn’t it…:D…I love it,…even though I haven’t tried even 10 percet of what it has to offer yet…I’ll get there eventually,…one day at a time…:slight_smile:
Anyway,…just wanted to say…it’s great to see you experimenting in a fun way while learning what it has to offer…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

thanks spirit… tested out some more of the mat blending after watching the classroom vid. awesome stuff… . way more to it then i imagined but getting there… love how easy it is to get sss glow out of this :smiley:

edit … one more test for the night… hdri blending with a lightcap from something found online… not bad 1st try but need to learn the ins and outs i thinks

another dynadoodle. … this time i made extensive use of insert claytubes with different falloffs… honestly i think if you can be patient you can use this to lay down some quick hair at low res that would then work well to remerge into polygroups, copy, and quickly fill in some hair volume.


eggcellent … in on the yolk … feeling a little hard boiled… all appropriate names for this one :slight_smile:

came to the realization last night then dynamesh is what it took to make zproject brush truly work well… never coulda pulled off this much transfer of detail so smoothly in older versions without it taking a few hours… just put this together in about 15-20 minutes.


wanted to share a super nicE (imhO) hdri lighting setup i just created testing taking hdr shots on my dslr through a piece of blown glass… i think it came out pretty wicked … heres a etst image rendered with the nice torso pixologic gives in the lightcap projects.

in the attached zip i have the lightcap file and a zmat file … i think it gives a really nice satiny finish when using wax preview …good stuff

i love dynamesh… this was done maybe 80% dynamesh… and the rest only a subdiv up from it. the body’s at ~200k and the teeth ~50 peronlypbecause i wanted to start fine etching them.
best yet… thi
s was all done with a mouse… didnt have my tablet at home for the weekend… starting to learn to love using super small strengths with replaylast stroke… lets me lay down exactly what i want without using tablet.

anyways i wanna take this one to fully textured and colored so more updates to come.

full sizE http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6151/6203968287_41a71765b4_o.jpg

last update on him for the weekend… still havent touched this with any tablet yet… cant wait to get into nitty gritty detailing when i have my tablet back…
also hopefully will have a server installed soon and can switch over to juicy win 7 goodness.
enjoy… c&c welcome

full size : http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6169/6205976242_698967abec_o.jpg

LMAO, this is great stuff. love it, keep it up

thanks skraeck…much appreciated

i’m working on giving him a very spiny ‘mane’ and trying to get the eyes right so that it doesnt lose the menace it has now without them. update will likey be posted tonigt or tomorrow

hair and eye test… only 1 bpr pass… no ps effects


this isnt something that was made in zbrush per se but its definitely something made possible because of zbrush… prior to my use of zbrush my ability to draw was pretty much limited to little to none… after a few years in zbrush something wierd started happening.i started figuring out how to do traditional drawin (using digital methods)…working in 3d had helped me enough to learn to eyeball shadow mass and build forms with a black and white pencil brush. this is the result of a week of using adobe sketchbook pro after being turned on to using it. i think this will help me to go back and improve my fundementals and bring that back into my modeliattempts. thank you zbrush! i think i plan on trying to recreate this particular one in zbrush using this as a reference


I was subscribed to your thread but the new ZBC seems to have broken it, that stupid problem is now fixed.
I had no idea you had done all this awesome stuff!
I love the PonyBoy, ferocious or otherwise you should give him tack (hehehehe!) Th

The dynamesh stuff like the egghead and the psychotic turkey are fantastic… there’s more but I’m sleepy and there’s a hurricane coming…

FINALLY!!! back in the game… just assembled a new pc yesterday that not only runs zbrush’s new features it blazes with them :smiley:

i5 2500k… z68 based mobo so the 5 can be boosted up to 4.4ghz easy… 8gb fast ram… ssd main drive… geforce fx gtx560ti with 2gb ram :smiley: win7 ultimate 64bit …

i can push a subtool up to 25million polys before my system starts to stagger at all… 25million :smiley: … i just got used to 6million max and what i can get out of that and i got an entire subd level past that i cango now without resorting to hd polys??? :smiley: yaay :smiley:

cant wait now until i finally have some time to play with the newer zbrush features i never got a chance to really explore beforehand… just super happy that all the meshinsert stuff works now

Where are you? We miss you!
Yah you!!!