
danko75 sketchbook_ clash of the titans

How did you do the hair? Was it all done in zbrush?

Oh yeah, the hair was another cool technique invented on this occasion :rolleyes: : i extracted the up part of the head as a separate tool and divided it to a high poly count, then used a standard brush in spray mode with alpha 23 (guess it was 23, the one full of dots) to create a mask made of all little dots, then inverted the mask and with the snake hook brush, with short strokes, i slowly pulled the hairs. it gave me the possibility to sort of stylize them in different parts, very handy for short hair or fur:p

Great tip & great T-800 model
thank you for share

Great sketchbook! Thank you very much for that awesome tip! :+1: !

Something quite different form my usual themes, a nonsense work born for fun while trying to achieve different styles…now wanna try to tweak a bit the composition.

Great Danko!!!
Funny, plesant and cool!
Love the composition… and the fish on the bottom left is super-cool! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

DANKO!!! “Oh yeah, the hair was another cool technique invented on this occasion :rolleyes: : i extracted the up part of the head as a separate tool and divided it to a high poly count, then used a standard brush in spray mode with alpha 23 (guess it was 23, the one full of dots) to create a mask made of all little dots, then inverted the mask and with the snake hook brush, with short strokes, i slowly pulled the hairs. it gave me the possibility to sort of stylize them in different parts, very handy for short hair or fur:p”

you are one smart dude. this is a really great idea. the planar brush with a plane subtool is also really really smart. keep the tricks comin and i will keep reading

Nice one Danko! I like it and it’s different…and funny :smiley:

Very nice pose and espressions!!

funwithzsferes.jpg A little character wip, inspired somewhat by the amazing works of vitaly bulgarov (but obviously he’s far far away better and this will need penty of more subtools :lol: ), model used to try some experiments with zsferes 2 and hard surface brushes

Looks like those new tools work great. Thats looking good so far. Im interested to see how far you take it.

first stages of definition of a model for a fantasy concept art work…some parts still to refine (especially the foot, i had finished it when zbrush crashed:p )…hope iit resembles a goblin:lol: gobbo1.jpg

Hi Danko!
Nice work, expecially in the last one, i think you reached a nice and consistent result, i love how you used the new brushes!
I think you got to finish and polypaint the goblin, with weapons too!
Can we see some steps ?
Again congratulations for the Pixo’s Certification! :+1: