
dandan's junkyard

Just damn’ amazing!!!just brilliant :slight_smile:

Top row Dan ! amazing expressions ! Love it !

i’m speechless… holy ****!!!

Amazing sculptures !!!
Congrats on the top row

Holy wow! They’re literally alive u managed to instill soul into these sculpts and when I say this it’s a very rare feat in fact
top row all the way, inspiring. One criticism though - u destroying our self-confidence in art - want to give up now :wink:

Keep posting! Can’t wait to see more - subscribing
All the best!

Wow … just got some huge slaps in my face !!!
And I enjoyed a lot ^^

WOW, just WOW.
These are the most amazing sculpts I’ve seen in a while. Absolutely stellar work, you are a true master.

if you have time kind sir, can you explain to us your presentation workflow?

Great Work!

Crazy awesome stuff here! Congrats on tow row.

After the seeing great works like this I think we need a new “over the top row”. Very, very cool. The posings and overall expression is…can´t find the right words :slight_smile:




agreed I am curious about something , what’s your pc setup if I may ask for doing such a godlike work !?

What material(s) did you use?

great work! The tribal woman reminds me of Charles Cordier’s African Venus

Digital sculpture as an art form has really arrived, stunning work!

Strong work. Already looks like a 3D model of a sculpture made of clay. In your work life feel, beauty and mood.

Wow man…this is really awesome! Congratulations for the great work! :slight_smile:

OUTSTANDING! The drama in these pieces are great, everything about these are great!
Congratulations it is nice to see work of this caliber here. I want to see more!

So amazing! Love the Samurai!

its like they’re alive, and your detail work is amazing.:smiley: