
dancing girl

:confused: that’s really a big project for me.
Thx a lot for answering my questions!:slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments. I have a different vision, but that´s fine. I really think that, agree or not to agree is not the most important thing here. Good discussions like these always tend to make you learn something. And that´s unvaluable, really good :slight_smile:

And about references, I´ve focused my research mostly on these dancing companies, which I´ve watched a few shows live, really impressive,

Here we go:

http://www.loisgreenfield.com/index.html (fantastic pictures!)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pina_Bausch (amazing modern dance choreographer)

Thanks again,

beautifully done, congrats

Ricardo, I’m glad how you accept different opinions, your attitude is great. Keep on good work!

beautifully done…looks great:+1: :+1:

Very Interesting artwork, great job …:smiley:

She is a very ugly woman. Great CGI tho, but ugly woman eeewwww :confused:

this work is beautiful, great textures. good movements. i really like the way you capture the moment in this image.


Hey man, this is great stuff!!..only thing though…is, why is she wearing her bra on the outside of her shirt?..Seems a bit odd to me…but besides that, I love the whole thing, great job dude!

She’s beautiful. Phenomenal piece, I think her face is gorgeous and her eyes are piercingly real. Regardless of the critiques on the reality of the pose, I think you nailed the sense of movement and flow, which you don’t always need 100 percent anatomically accuracty for.

Amazing! :smiley:

Where did you get the female OBJ:D Or did you do it all from scratch? If so, what a work of art. How long did it take you to model the finished model?

Thanks everybody for the comments, critiques and compliments :smiley: !

And eboncollins, answering your questions:

This time I did from scratch, but sometimes I re-use a base mesh I´ve done previously, changing it where it´s needed by any specific need. But honestly, Zbrush gives you such freedom (with re-topologize, zspheres, etc,…) that the base mesh should not be a concern, really!

And it took between 4 and 5 days to complete her modelling, mapping, sculpting and texturing.

Thanks again,

I only have one comment, that i hope helps.

In a dance studio a dancer would wear a tighter bra, from the left hand side you can see the straps don’t touch her body, whereas in real life they would press against her.

And just an FYI, they don’t wear spaghetti straps, but ones that are thicker.

But all in all well done.

Thanks for the feedback, really :slight_smile:


Great Texturing !

Love your work. So awesome!!! :smiley:

Wonderful work! Great sense of movement going on. I was wondering if you could show me how you did her hair?


[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]WOW !!! I have no comments really great work…:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

i found this very helpful for anyone who wish to learn skin sss shader…

Great job

i shall be greatful if u could explain me the skin sss shader process… i also want 2 ask u that did u use any ref 4 this girl…plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz give me reply i am seeking 4 character artist job n u could help me…so that i could render my character with mental ray.

i’ll wait 4 ur reply…plz help me:cry:small_orange_diamond:)