

amazing, i knew from the first wip this will end up looking great ;]

Its a tough call, they both look great. Personaly I think I prefer the cammo render more but thats just because I’m a bit of a cammo fiend lol.
You’re right though, the carbon fiber render shows the pannel details a lot better and Probbably works a lot better overall. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do with this guy when he’s rigged

Hey Slocik thanks man:) You’ve been following this thread from the start! Good to see you again :slight_smile:

LeoAMD Yeah its a bit of a struggle right now:) Did a quick test yesterday to see if I remember anything about rigging it wasn’t spectacular but will try a few times and see how it turns out :slight_smile:

I was asked to post some ZBrush screen grabs so here they are. If anyone is interested in my 3dsmax ligthing setup and settings let me know :slight_smile:

Great work!

Great work on every single aspect of this!

Really cool stuff man. What are you using for your retopology? Also I notice that your mesh for 3ds max is quite high rez, does this mean that you’re not using displacement mapping?
P.S. I would definitely like to see your 3ds max lighting settup :smiley:

Thanks Adam!

Thanks dude!

Thanks man appreciate it! Im using the built in ZBrush topo tools. Most of the times QRemesher does the job for me :slight_smile: Yeah the mesh is high rez. Not sure if I uploaded a vewport grab here but its because its with turbosmooth on. I’m using displacement maps on all my projects especially on organic stuff. Will post some lightning shader setup soon :slight_smile:

hey everyone,

I’m tweaking things here and there and replacing some of the placeholder geometry like the area between the neck and chest as well as the backpack. I’m missing the specular map on his skin and I didnt reall have time to render out his hair since everything is pretty much a wip.
Thanks for viewing everyone

Been keeping up with this…Great work on this guy…Maybe a few tech pieces on the visor?

Hey thanks man! Yeah I might add some stuff to his visor as well. I fixed his hairstlye and the hairline now. A few more things to tweak and he’ll be done. Also need to fix some of the shaders, mapping and geometry intersection. Most of these things are only visible in a high rez render but yeah I really want to be able to show everything :slight_smile:

If anyone wants to take a look at 6K render here is the link https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28015477/Marine/Render/Marine_6k.jpg


That looks really good. i especially love the colors you went with, it makes a nice change from a lot of the more drab armored models you see.

Daiichi is real and live. WOW.
How much time do you need for render it?

Fantastic!!!really superb work. where are you rendering it ?

Thanks man! Glad you think so. I tried to make something a bit more original. Cheers!

Thanks for the support Carlos! Glad you think so man! Well the 6k render took something like 3 hours to render but thats mostly because of the hair. 5K render of the body without the hair takes around half an hour give or take.

Thank you Rodrigo! Love your work as well man! I am looking forward to see more work from you! Top notch! As for the rendering. I’m using 3dsmax and Vray for almost all of my projects even though my roots are with Maya.

Here are some screengrabs from 3dsmax. Lightning and rendering settings are pretty simple. Nothing fancy there. Just two lights and two maps for environment and reflection.


Fantastic work! It gets better all the time!

Great Work!!! lovin’ the F’ detail high res image!!!

Hi guys,

It’s been a while. I’ve been busy with work so I didn’t have time to update this dude. It’s at 95% right now. Did some more details like leather straps on his hair and some bump and dirt on the lining but they aren’t in this render. I’m currently rendering the final character sheet of this guy. Will post it some time tomorrow. Fixed a lot of problems that most don’t notice and re worked the back a bit. I’m pretty satisfied with the final look. I’m halfway through rigging this guy as well I just hope I get time to finish it up before Expose 11 submission deadline :slight_smile:

Click here for 6k image.

Enjoy and thanks for viewing.

More updates tomorrow

Wow! Fantastic work!

Wow…this is amazing! Great textures and render!

Awesome! :slight_smile:
Where are you textures from??