

My Completed submission for Adobe Dimension & Adobe Stock - The Art of 3D Insects Challenge
Basically I used the Procreate from IPad pro to quickly create this concept sketch. Like my previous works, it draws on a lot of traditional Chinese symbols, such as the Tao-Tie pattern and Wa-Dang pattern .
I Sculpted the model in ZBrush and used Substance Painter to create the textures and materials. In the end, I used Adobe Dimension for rendering. This is the first time I have used Dimension. It is very fast and simple and only requires very little time to learn. The most important thing is that it supports metal-roughness shaders. This combination with Substance Painter is a fantastic workflow.
So, Here are the final-render images .Adjust some color balance in Adobe Lightroom and PS.


Some WIP images:



An exquisitely ornate and beautiful object. :+1:


Very cool, almost has a steampunk feel to it :slight_smile:

Spectacular Zhelong! :clap:

Super nice as always Zhelong! Final images are really amazing.


So beautiful , Love this!!