
Cyber Metal Biker Chick


Wanted to show you my new personal project done for 3d printing.
Kind of inspired by all the old school ridiculous and cool Heavy Metal Magazines style.
Everything done in Zbrush, a few basemeshes in Max. Rendered in Zbrush (Orb’s Matcap :smiley: ) + some color corrections and stuff in Photoshop.
Currently 3d Printing everything and will update the thread once all is done.


Nice sculpt, and great looking print. What did you print that on?

I’m using Anycubic Photon x]

The 3D print came out very nice, did you “sand/clean” a lot?

Thanks @Jaime
The only actual sanding I did was on her butt :smiley: because there were a lot of support marks
But in general these little printers do quite well and very little cleanup is needed - marks left by supports and occasional warping do to suction forces between layers or stuff like that.

You can see some little dots/marks that are still not treated here, but in general, in this example all the supports were attaching at the bottom side of the model - the sides/top are untouched:

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Looks great! @armians

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Genial, gracias por compartir.

Amazing! Supercool!

Thanks @Agnus and @PSYGORN ! ^^

Here are some photos of finished print!
This was easily my most complicated and longest 3d printing project so far, was a lot of fun!
More photos here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/baqbNa

The finished print is very cool! Great job @armians :+1:

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Thanks a lot @Jaime ! ^^

Love this :relaxed:

Thank you @Deryck :metal:

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ME ENCANTO :D, Me gusta mucho la calidad, que impresora utilizas n,n ?

Hey @davidkillerzombies , I use a small resin printer - Anycubic Photon x] Thanks!

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