
Custom Menu question

Hey guys how are you.

I made a custom menu and I’ve been using it for a while but I want to know if its possible to move around the submenus within my custom menu. Lets say I have


I want it to be


Is it possible to reorder the submenus without having to delete it and start all over again ?

Thank you very much!

I have no problem, as I shuffle stuff in the file system :wink:

What do you mean ? What are you talking about??

Hi @ibelphegorn !

No you can’t once you put something in the subpalette you can then only rename the subpalette. so you have to remove all item store in the subpalette before you can to reorder the subpalette. IT’s sometime better to add a new subpalette and more al the content from one to another then you can remove the empty subpalette in the canvas to remove it.

Hope it helps