
Creature Vampire Night

part of one challenge sculpt

1 Like

Nice job Julio, keep pushing and improving :clap:small_orange_diamond:clap:small_orange_diamond:clap:

thanks a lot Jaime i am glad like you like this work

I really love the breakdown and how you tackled the projected. Starting out with a rough based and building upon that especially for a statue in pose is really a smart and efficient move. Thanks for sharing the breakdown and keep them coming. Did you sculpt most of the parts assymetrical or did you try to to keep the symmetry/

I will be looking forward in seeing more workfrom you.

Happy sculpting,
Kenny :slight_smile:

I make asymmetrical armor but try to keep the view of symmetrical view on some parts and some parts are with symmetry and pose. But for me is a very difficult and good personal project learn a lot doing this, and thanks a lot, I appreciated that you like my work.

Breaking out the mannequin, love that little guy.
Sculpting asymmetrical in pose is tough. You did a good job.

thanks a lot anatomy 360 help me a lot to doid this with the references program