
Cosmicfig - Sketchbook

Great attention to detail.

Thanks for the encouragement you guys, helps keep me motivated :slight_smile:

Did a little work on the posing today… still haven’t gotten back to the hair yet…


Really love this character, would love to see how you do some of the headdress assets. Can’t wait to see it evolve!

This character promise to be great!
I also really like the horse!
Congratulation. :+1:

This model reminds me Flora, in the painting “La primavera” from Botticelli:


(She’s the third on the right)

Can’t wait to see this model finished!

Nice pose, can’t wait to see what you’ll end up scultping!

Really dig the direction this sculpt is going. looks like its going to be great. The forms of the body have nice lines and form.

Great and deap work!

Man this is going to be beautiful! Very cool!

I can’t believe I missed that war horse, well done and huge props bro. Diggin the girls head-dress as well, really nice flow to it all.

I really like the specific characteristics of the woman’s face. She feels like a unique individual, which is great.

Nice forms indeed! Kepp it coming! :+1:

I love the pose, cant wait to see the finished piece!

Thanks for the explanation on the Cloth! it’s clear :slight_smile:

I’m loving the girl, beautiful shapes!

Hey everyone, I’m so sorry I’ve been absent this long. I had a huge computer meltdown and then we had a baby. :D. Not to much sculpt time right now but I’m working on things as I can. Here is a quick image to show what I’ve been working on. I’ll post more images tomorrow or so… Pretty happy with her face and crown… still working on the hair (damn that hair!!!) and body. Would love to know what you think.

[KPtoons](http://www.zbrushcentral.com/member.php?81545-KPtoons) - Hey thanks for the compliment. I loved your video on posing the char using the animation timeline. Great stuff... wish I would have seen that before I posed her :confused:. As far as the jewelry goes.. I'm ashamed to say that I'm doing it the old fashioned way right now. I sculpt them flat in Maya piece by piece then use a deformer to get the shape I want. Its not the best way to do it I'm sure. But Id be happy to go over it if you think it sounds interesting. Just let me know.

stefanobernardi - Thanks! Botticelli, has a grace and flow to his lady’s I can only hope to achieve some day… but that fact that it reminds you a little… huge compliment man. thanks :). Im definatly styling her off of an artist near and dear to my heart. ALphonse Mucha is one of my favorite artists and this sculpt is inspired by, and also a tribute to, him.


Awesome work! Love the horse and female sculpts :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Beautiful work! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

lets me think of alphonse mucha, wonderful shapes and curves , lovely work, i am looking forward to the final piece. it will be spectacular :slight_smile:

your last work looks so beautiful,i like the flower very much ,did you make the hair with zsphere and the eye ball reflect effect just scuplt?

Congratulations on the new new installment to your life :smiley:

and congratulations on sculpting such a stunning model! she’s purdi ^^