
Corny Superheroes

I’m really not digging that 90 degree angle in the underpants. Seems a bit too geometric for cloth. Perhaps something a bit more curvilinear?




A quick color setup before I crash.

Good night!


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: That guy would make a good “beauty” dancer:laughing: :laughing: :+1: :sunglasses:

i want to see more, it’s really nice

Onefuzzybrain, I see your point, it resembles a diaper somewhat. I decided to defer from the underpants and give him some jeans instead.

jmeyer, :smiley: thanks for the many happy faces :laughing:

=H.R=cwyMichael, welcome to the board :+1: . Here’s some more…

trying out some T-shirt designs…I think this one looks like a hooligan’s T


Cya, Bimm

nice ideas, i like it :]

Thanks Skraeck:D

Here’s a new model I’m working on. It’s still in progress I guess. Maybe anyone has some pointers as what to improve?

His name is De Postbank Leeuw, but you have to be Dutch to really get that.:wink:

anyway have fun.


that lion is awesome, but one thing bothers me. the tail seems very stiff and sort of square. looks like it needs to be more round.

Thanks thirteen, You are right about the tail, I haven’t really done anything with it yet. It still needs a tassel or whatever you call that tail-fluff.
Ah… tuft.

cheers, thanks for the tip.

I tried my hands on transpose. It’s a nice tool, but I think I’m not using it to
its full potential, I had to rework quite some bits, …well… quite a lot actually.
I really messed up the mesh also, but I do that all the time. Using retopo is prob the next thing I’ll have to try.

It’s still not finished, there are still some areas I have to get right,
but it’s fun to do.

At some point I have to make him into a corny superhero. Still not sure
what he will become or where I’m taking him. But the journey is the fun
part and if the destination is a surprise, all the better.

If you have some ideas or if you can spot something to crit, by all means
let me know. I need a fresh eye, all I get from my wife is:
‘I can’t comment on it, It’s not finished :roll_eyes: .’

Have a nice one :+1:




really cool bimm. that would make one kick-ass Lion-o!!

PS: i want more frulk dammit! :lol:

Damn nice lion. I think ball of the of should be wide-r…I mean a bigger lower leg ( calf, ankle, ball of foot ) for balence sake. The way you sculpted the muscles is amazing can you make a quick vid or just explain in detail?

hehe, thanks industripop, I’ll see what I can do about your thirst for Frulk :wink:

MASTERSHOKHAN , thanks glad you like it, Your tip for the legs is a good one, I’ll change that.
As for the muscles, I must say they are not quite correct, because I didn’t use any reference material, I should, but I’m just too lazy to search for it.
Having stated that, this is how I usually work: after laying out the basic shapes , I draw a muscle on the figure then look if I like it, if not I erase (aka Smooth) it and try again :smiley: it’s really a process of trial and error, not the best way, but one that fits for me. I use the clay brush for the basic layout of the muscle then the standard brush to make them more round. I know that doesn’t really help you but I’m not much of an organized worker, it’s all a mess till the end.

This thread you have is great!

I love how you integrate realistic anatomy into your comical characters.

Hi all,

Been away for a while.

I started a plane sculpt, I saw some of you doing them and thought it a nice idea to exercise.

I didn’t want to start a new thread, so I’ll post it here.

Lets call him Grumpy-Crumple-Head, just to stay on topic :smiley: .



And yes it’s Ralph Stumpf’s Green Clay, thanks Ralph :wink:


Alex Oliver

Cool variation,me likey!:+1:

You’ll sure get a scare when that stares at you from the waste paper basket!
Cool one Bimm, and good to see you again down here. :+1: :+1:

Cool effect and nice sculpt!

Bimm - marvelous work and I always love your light hearted excursions and playfulness. :+1:

Seems like you’ve become somewhat less psychotropic than in your earlier posts ? :slight_smile:

Take care fella,
