
Copy Paste all visible subtools

Hi there,

Here is a little ZScript to help in the task of copy and paste all visible subtools between tools. It also works as duplicate all visible subtools in the same Tool. Hope you find usefull

Video working and ZScript

Thanks, very usefull. :wink:

I am using GoB to import meshes in Zbrush and when i use script to copy visible i get error message and i need to rename subtools in Zbrush, only then script works fine:cry:

Yes, sadly most of the times doesn’t work after further testing.

Maybe with ZSceneManager you can rename and organize all your subtools imported with GoB and then copy paste all visible.
Hope that helps.

Not sure if I understand you. From I know ZSceneManager doesn’t have that functionality of copy paste.

If you are talking about the ability of your script to copy-paste, it randomly doesn’t work and I don’t use GoB. If fails often enough to not be worth try it.