
Clint Eastwood (Blondie) - A work in progress

Hey guys! Decided to revisit Clint (as Blondie).

Here are some very early WIPs, feedback would be appreciated!

Just roughing out proportions at this point. More to come soon!

  • R.





Here’s another update!

Clint Latest.jpg

And here’s another update! :slight_smile:

Cllint Main.jpg

nice buddy i really liked it

but can you tell me how you did that beard ?? … it is a really nice technique

And here’s the last update for the night! Will start working on his hat soon:

Thanks! :slight_smile: I used 3ds MAX hair and fur modifier, and then turned the hair and fur into geometry. Which I then imported into Zbrush :slight_smile:

can i use maya for the same method ?

I think you could! :slight_smile: I believe the same modifier is called “Shave and Haircut” in there. As long as it has the abillity to turn the hair into geometry, you should be set!

Hope that helps!

This is awesome! you can do a tutorial for the beard please. :smiley:

Thanks Patokali!

I’ll write up a start to finish once he’s done :slight_smile:

thanx for sharing bro

Not a problem! :slight_smile:

I’ve uploaded a turntable to YouTube :slight_smile: Feel free to check it out!

Here’s a really rough, early rig test of my Clint Eastwood model. Again, super early on in the stages of creation. I know the animation sucks, but I am more so looking at overall deformation of his body and face.


More (hopefully refined) stuff soon!

Some major updates to Clint’s facial structure and proportions:

Crits and feedback appreciated! :slight_smile:

WOW! this is the best looking sculpt of Mr Eastwood i have seen so far!
Are you gonna texture him?

Thanks cookiemonster! YES! Definitely texturing him. Will post some preliminary texture work within the next few days. :slight_smile:

That’s some nice sculpting. You’ve really captured the essence of the character. :+1:

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

GREAT SCULPTURE…the beard is great!

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

I think you really nailed it in the end, fantastic work!