
CGS Modeling Challenge: Conan the Barbarian

Got my vote! Terrific job!

Great work!

This is a model you should be extreemly proud of! Here’s a couple of suggestions (for whatever they are worth). I don’t know if you’ve thought of giving him some expression “Mako” said, “sits upon his throne with a troubled brow”. And, I noticed Arnold does indeed furrow his eyebrows quite a bit. The second thing I would add is a bit of skin shinyness with beads of sweat.

However, if your like me you start to get jaded about a character, and I get anxious to move on :lol: . I don’t know if this is the case for you? You’ve already done an outstanding job!

Maybe you should just wait until the 15th when easy posing and manipulation is the new standard. Can’t wait!

Turned out great Kraken! Good luck on the challenge.

Yes, fur shorts…when will they make a comeback. :smiley:

Model looks great, I still remember watching one of the original movies at the cinema, and its looking about the same it did back then. Cant wait to see it in a scene.

Thanks all!

I changed the previous image to reflect the addition of shadows cast by the hair… Well, not really cast by the hair, I had to paint those in since SasLite hair plugin won’t cast shadows :frowning: . I think the shadows help set his face in the hair better and the hair doesn’t look so pasted on.

Nice modeling looks very much like Arnold. I have a few crits though, the face looks much more like an older Arnold not how he looked when the movie was actually made. His hair color is wrong and I don’t beleive he ever wore green pants in the movies but I couldbe wrong on that.

Incredible work ,you really have him perfectly modeled.I agree some sweat may look cool along with a frown.Menace seems to work with muscles somewhat!

All the same,congrats on this so far.Look forward to the scene shot also.

awesome work, ecxellent texturing skills and his pose is very good too.
keep it up:+1:

Great job! :+1:

:+1: :+1: :+1:

KrakenCMT … you Rock!!!


Thanks, piz! Once I get caught up on a few other projects, I will return to Conan to do a little more detail work and create an all ZBrush rendering of him.

His hands and wrist seem small so when you come back to this, please have a look at them again. It’s the only thing I think detracts from the model at the moment.

This is a realy great job the complexivity of the textures an color looks godd
only the iluminacion is a litlle bit bad

great!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I am really impressed with this man.
The only thing I can think of is make the sword bigger. One of the key features of his sword is it looked like only he could swing it.

Between work and freelance, I’ve been working a bit more on finishing Conan the way I initially intended - with war paint and in a scene. I haven’t created the scene yet, but I’m working on it.

Here’s what I have so far. This is rendered in ZBrush with a little postwork in Photoshop. More to do with the hair and other minor details…

oh cool, the skin is coming along real nicely. are you going to render it in another program for the final?

nice likeness, good choice of painting.

i agree good likeness good work

Aah Great!! Such fun to see him like this. Will be a great finish. :+1: :+1: