
Cant see new features 2021.7.1

After watching tips&tricks from the first day I can’t find any of the new features: Scribe Chisel brush, Stager’s sub-menu, subtool view options, maybe more but after that I stopped watching…
Please help.

Maybe a dumb question, but are you on 2021.7.1?

:slight_smile: that’s what I wrote in the title…
I have it on two PCs and it is the same. seems very strange

Hi @Shahar_Klein,
Actually this is a presentation of the next version to come and there is no ETA at the moment , so you gonna have to be a bit patient :slight_smile:

Hope it helps

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Thanks! Missed that part… Now I can go to sleep…

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Feelin’ your pain Brother. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: