
Button image not change after updating

Hello guys

just to ask you is there a solution for this :
For example, if I have a button with an image on it, if I open Photoshop and edit this image, and save it, it does not update the button image in Zbrush. I tried to reload the script, etc., but the button icon did not change. It changes it only after restarting Zbrush.

Thank you

Hi, when you reload your script using zscript : load / reload, all item interface are still displayed, so to fix the issue, you have to reload your plugin/script this way :

[IButton, "Zplugin:My Plugin:Reload", "Reload My plugin.",
    [If, [IExists, "Zplugin:My Plugin"],
        [IClose, "Zplugin:My Plugin"]
        [IPress, "Zscript:Reload"]

Hope this helps


Thank you so much Nicolas !!!