
Bugatti Chiron

Hey guys! Been working on this project during my free time. I always wanted to try modeling a car in ZBrush as a personal challenge. I picked the Bugatti Chiron because I really like its shape and design.
I would like to give a big thanks to my super talented wife (Kasita) for doing the look dev and rendering for this piece.



You should make a tutorial about it!


Thank you PSYGORN! :smiley:

I made a hard surface ZBrush tutorial about a year ago for a UH-60 Rotor: https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/MggXA/hard-surface-zbrush-tutorial-modeling-a-uh-60-rotor

But ya, if enough people are interested in this one, I can make another tutorial for it.


You absolute mad man! :slight_smile: love it so much <3

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Thank You PIXO_DAISUKE! :smiley: :smiley:

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Trains, helicopters, cars!!! You really can do it all @Henry_Chervenka :joy: and very well too :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you! @Jaime :smiley: :smiley:

This is phenomenal. Do you work in the automotive industry?

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Thank you! @ZMichael :smiley: About 12 years ago before I started 3D, I was an automotive airbrush artist. But as far as anything to do with working in the automotive industry with 3D… not at all.

Amazing, inspiring and beautiful!

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Thank you! @HermanCarlsson :smiley:

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Really exceptional HS work in ZBrush–thanks for putting this up :+1:


Thank you! @Spyndel :smiley:

Omg so buing it rightnow!

You’re great talent, amazing car!

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Thank you! @nebular :smiley:

A fabulous result, bravo to team Chervenka :prince: :princess:

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Thank you! @boozy_floozie :smiley:

Absolutely stellar work! How long did it take you?

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Thank you! @Leonard_Yee :smiley: It’s really difficult to say exactly how many hours it took to model. I don’t usually keep track of the time for my personal projects. But it was during any free time I had. I’m definitely not the fastest artist out there, so it probably took longer than it needs.

By the way, your ESB AT-AT model came out great! Loved seeing it come together in the ZBC thread.

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