
Bringing back an old friend

Wow wow wow! :+1:

I very much like that reddish veining!
Is it done freehand or with alphas?

Turned out great:+1:

Thatā€™s a cool bit of trivia to know! Awesome.

Loving all of these designs!


The color scheme really adds a lot to him, great mood!

Thatā€™s quite the proof that you donā€™t need an external renderer!
Love him.

Wow! Fantastic renders. The Devil guy bust sure brings back cool school memories from 77. We used to have a Scholastic News print ad around Halloween. Youā€™re picture was taken on the front page wearing this very mask. I found it after all these years pressed between a Famous Monsters Mag. Cheers!

Nice updates Rick, thanks!!!

OK this is far from finished but I just had to post today so I could say May the 4th be with you.
This was another mask that I made years before Star Wars that was used in the cantina scene.
It was actually fabricated over another old mask so ,I tried to duplicate the crude fabricated texture on this. I want to do a lot more on him like finish the fibermesh better but like I said I just had to post today.
Thanks a lot guys for your comments.
Oh jmeyer most of the small red veins were stamped on with an alpha a few were freehand.

So cool!:+1: Just love the history with each.

Very cool use of the fibermesh! I have to say I love the previous character!

Thatā€™s creepy! I like it :slight_smile:

Outstanding. Scary.

Thanks guys. I worked on him some more. I didnā€™t really remember what his costume was like and was too lazy to get out my old laser disk of the original film in itā€™s original form So I put a hairy suit on him much like he had when I used him in Bob Burnā€™s Exorcist halloween show many years before Star Wars.
Drummer long time no hear.

Canā€™t stop looking at it. Awesome.


Wow!!! I remember seeing that creature in Starlog Magazineā€¦Big admirer of your work SIRā€¦So many Years.

These are awesome. You really have fibermesh down! Looking forward to seeing more.

wow!! mindblowing!!

Great job Rick! - My old Laserdisc the hilariously called ā€œStar Wars Definitive collectionā€ is relegated to a box along with the other hundred or so discā€™s I bought way back then - I miss the days when a new release from "the Criterion collection"was an event not to be missed.


Thanks guys. I appreciate the comments. People donā€™t seem to comment as mush as they use to in these threads.Maybe because the quality of the work that people are doing is so much better,well actually that doesnā€™t make sense they should be commenting more. Maybe because there is so much work posted daily. I donā€™t know anyways I appreciate you taking the time to respond to these. I did another render of this guy with arms sitting at a table and was going to post it but see the other thumbnail is still up so I will wait until it goes off. thanks again, Rick