
Body Builder

Amazing!! Fantastic work! I can’t wait to see some images of just the sculpt :smiley:


Amazing likeness. Congrats:+1:

What he probably did is taking the ref as a diffuse texture and remove the highlights and then doing the skin pore in z-brush, so the reflection are done while rendering, but we can clearly see that he must had used that ref(or one in more hi res) to do the diffuse, check on the hands,shoulder,we can see it.

So I want to see a breakdown too.

There is a way of modeling over the texture, so you have the details at the right place.

This is great work IMHO, yes we could spend days nitpicking on stuff, but if you slapped this on the cover of Muscle and Fitness I doubt anyone would cry 3D render…

technically it’s a fantastic work, like all your other projects :+1: [but gosh he’s disgusting looking :stuck_out_tongue: and you’ve made him prettier than the original already]

as magda said he is disgusting looking but your work is great :slight_smile:

At first glance, I thought it was a reference photo! Wonderful work!

Wow. Post some WIP shots. That’s crazy.

This is most definitely an incredible piece. like others I am interested to know if you painted the textures from scratch or photomapped it. Nice stuff. :+1: :+1:

thanks you guys!

I am happy to see some comments and questions,the following are some informations about the work.

this is a screenshot from 3Dsmax before rendering:

some sreenshots from Zbrush:

wireframe,it is low poly I made in 3Dsmax:

setting for sss material:

it is my reference a real photo:

The most of details are made in Zbrush,some other details like subtle spots are made by bump texture.I made the diffuse texure without real photo but painting,it cost so much time to match the real photo.I made the final render in 3Dsmax by importing the high poly from Zbursh.:bulb:Body Builder_03.jpgBody Builder_04.jpgBody Builder_05.jpgBody Builder_06.jpgBody-Builder_08.jpgBody Builder_07_2.jpg


Body Builder_04.jpg

Body Builder_05.jpg

Body Builder_07_2.jpg

Really beautiful work! good likeness. Nice details. Very photo realistic!

This should definitely be top row. How long did it take you?

Thank you so much!! for sharing with us how this image was made!, it’s really fantastic!, and for real!, i think that your image it’s better, MUCH much better than the reference photo!, Please top row we need it hah, once again thanks for sharing this.

Holy freaking crap this is good. I seriously had to look at your first image for a long time before realizing it wasn’t a photo! I know how tedious this must have been and you nailed everything. It’s all superb, the texturing, the lighting, the form. Really incredible. Top Row indeed! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

amazing model there… though i think those overdone bodybuilders are really ugly ^^ but thats beside the point.

as far as photomapping: i dont think it is photomapped eiither… theres a couple of signs that show that: the birthmarks on the skin are just slightly different then the original ones, the lighting is (in my eyes) rendered, etc… so one should be careful and look VERY closely at an image before saying its photomapped…


I agree that the left arm and especially the hand are a bit small. Try stretching out the distance from the tip of the shoulder to the elbow and beefing up the forearm a bit. Triceps look a tad skimpy. Larger hands too. Otherwise, great lighting and texture and attention to detail. Great face work.

No words can describe the work. Great Job <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”><img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”><img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”><img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”><img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”>

great modeling and texturing! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

really great piece :+1: :+1:

Now …this is MARKUS RUHL no doubts about it…the big German…
great work man.