
Biomutant Collectors Statues


Here’s a couple of statues I got the chance to work on not long ago. They were for the upcoming Biomutant game, which looks like a lotta fun.

This is the diorama done for the Atomic Edition.
Unposed cinematic assets by Goodbye Kansas Studios were provided by the devs at Experiment 101 and THQ team. I re-built, adapted, sculpted, and detailed the assets for posing and 3D print prep. Also preserved and adjusted UVs, did polypaint and several other tasks for presentation renders that were used for marketing. Around the end I did rough cuts and keys for the prototype. We ended up adjusting the support for the hero character after some testing we did with early prototypes. Think it’s the largest collectible piece I’ve worked on so far.
Base assets for big guy and hero character by Daniel Bystedt and his team at Goodbye Kansas.

Here’s a pic of the prototype being displayed at Gamescom, you can see that more supports were added for stability:


This one is the collectors edition figurine.
Rough pose and cinematic assets were provided by the Experiment 101 and THQ team. I completed the pose and re-built and sculpted the assets for final piece and 3D print. Also did rough cuts and keys for Level 52 Studios prototype.


Some pics of the master print and painted prototypes:


Outstanding @HecM Went back to your ZBrushCentral gallery, boy there are some brilliant works :wink: Thanks for sharing!!


Thanks @Jaime ! and thanks to you guys at Pixologic for the top row and the amazing software. Keep it up!

Really nice sculpt!!!
cant wait to play the game

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